Parts of Accra to experience Dumsor for 7 days starting from February 11 to 5 March (Check list)
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The Electricity Company of Ghana has on February 9,2021 announced to the general public that there will be power cuts to some parts of Accra starting from February 11 to 5 March.
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According to the Electricity Service Provider, it forms part of a collaboration with the Millennium Development Authority (MIDA) to undertake interruptions in power supply to interconnect load from the Pokuase Bulk Supply Point (BSP) to the Kanda and Airport Substations aimed at improving reliability and customer end voltage.
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In view of that, these areas will be interrupted: Roman Ridge, Parts of Airport Residential, Air Site Hotel, Primrose Palace and its environs, ECG Roman Ridge District Office, Accra Girls, Mamobi, Kotobabi Poli Clinic, Ghana Institution of Engineers, Ebony, Abavana Down, Kotobabi Down, Modex Filling Station, Alajo, Tobinco Pharmaceuticals and Parts of Tesano.
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