Party Police in Dilemma, Faking Security Intelligence: Creating Fake Security Crisis in Court…
Justice For Ghana has served notice it is writing to the Auditor General to Disallow and Surcharge the individual Police Officers who have been making the frivolous payments from the Public Purse to protect the President...
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The Ghana Police Service claimed that the Jubilee House is a Security Zone and that the Revolution Square across the street from the Jubilee House is not convenient for the three-day Picketing by Justice For Ghana…
The judge asked the parties to negotiate, Justice For Ghana then proposed the Afrikiko Restaurant which is a Public Place for the Picketing which was rejected by the Police…
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The Judge then ruled ordering the Picketing to go ahead at the “Security Zone” nearest to the Jubilee House, the El-Wak Sports Stadium adjoining the Army Base Ordinance Depot and other installations…
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Justice For Ghana noted, however, that two days of the three-day Picketing had already lapsed and therefore immediately notified the Ghana Police Service of its intention to indefinitely picket at Parliament and the Controversial Cathedral from 6th December, 2023 until the conclusion of the 2023 Budget and Censure debate and vote both of which feature the President’s Cathedral.
If the Police decide to further waste Public Funds in paying Filing Fees to serve another injunction, to prevent the Picketing;
Justice For Ghana has served notice it is writing to the Auditor General to Disallow and Surcharge the individual Police Officers who have been making the frivolous payments from the Public Purse to protect the President…
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Ghanaians are resolved to be Citizens and not Spectators.
🎼 AriseGhana Youth for your country.
God Save Our Homeland Ghana and help us survive the WASTED YEARS OF THE AKUFO-ADDO-BAWUMIA GOVERNMENT and their DumbDogs who can’t speak truth to power because they are compromised or complicit or corrupt.
By Prince-Derek Adjei
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