Zumzum: HEALTH FOR ALL policy by John Mahama and NDC resonates with GHANAIANS!
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Scanning the political climate after the launch of the NDC manifesto. It has generated the desired interest as everyone is eager to know what is in it for them. Very Positive!
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I listened to Dr. Edward Kofi Omane Boamah throw insight into the policy on one -on- one interview on Asempa FM. And, for the sake of the rescue mission, I have no choice than to pen down this piece.
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He said;
- The active members of NHIS ac are not half our population, why?
The premium realized from NHIS is below 10% of its inflows.
Out of pocket payments is 40%,..
Free primary health care is coming to support all other forms of health financing,. NHIS either national or private would be reserved for referral cases to secondary or tertiary levels. -
Free primary health care is about prevention, curative, and promotive health…
What’s in it for you? You will not need NHIS card to access health care at the CHPS compounds, Health Centres, Polyclinics and District Hospitals…all come at no cost to you, FREE. -
Under the free primary health care policy, we will engage and empower the pharmacies, the drug stores and the chemical shops in the cities, towns, and villages with the right gadgets to diagnose common health conditions …and they will refer urgent or emergency cases to the appropriate health facilities,..
Ghana has come far and we’ve reached a stage where it’s unacceptable for Ghanaians who need financial support for treatment of cancer, kidney disease, etc are put on TV with their pictures showing their protruding stomachs, etc.
As contained in our manifesto, President Mahama will establish a Cancer and Kidney Disease Trust Fund to support Ghanaians who need assistance for such conditions -
Amend the law to provide four months maternity leave, in addition to existing legal maternity provisions, and grant seven days paternity leave
Provide free sanitary pads to girls in school
Train more personnel in domiciliary and palliative care for the elderly and the sick,….etc.
The HEALTH FOR ALL policy among others enshrined in the NDC‘s manifesto are realistic and doable!
We’re all aware many Ghanaians over the last three and half years and still counting have been moved into the poverty bracket. Why? Keneysian theory has been jettisoned- as almost all activities that drive the economy – make money to be in circulation have been blocked – non-payment of indigenous contractors, declaring all local small scale miners as illegal miners, vindictive targeting and collapsing of jobs and businesses, among others. Some of these above-mentioned individuals are now surviving on okada business. Yes!
What is Keynesian theory?
Keynesian theory posits that “consumer demand is the primary driving force in an economy. As a result, the theory supports the expansionary fiscal policy. Its main tools are government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education…”
So, are you surprised the number of okada riders have increased over the last three and half years? And NANA Addo’s refusal to legalize and regulate the okada business!
As said by Dr. Omane Boamah above backed with statistics, many Ghanaians are not on NHIS subscription. Even if they possess the NHIS cards they couldn’t renew their subscription after expiration.
Unless one has lost touch with reality, there is heightened hardship – as the economy is only working for a select few.
If it’s about money for a government to execute significant policies, then I believe Akufo-Addo would have given us heaven on earth, but no, it’s rather about priority.
The Akufo-Addo‘s government has borrowed over 140 billion plus hidden debts, but little to show for – they borrowed for consumption.
During the first tenure of John D.Mahama, he borrowed 54 billion, and we’re witness to all the significant projects dotted all over the country. But for Mahama’s UGMC where will we have been with the dreadful covid19?
The E-blocks, the digital center, the NCA headquarters, the free zones headquarters, the data center, Kejetia market, Kotokuraba market, the circle interchange, the bank of Ghana Hospital, the universities, the port expansions, the fiber optic cables, and so on and so forth.
How will NDC finance its manifesto policies?
To achieve the “Big Push” for example, the NDC government will follow its track record, and redirect resources heavily into development infrastructure and thus increase the ratio of CAPEX to GDP from the current low 1.2% to above 4% as was the case in the year 2016 under the Mahama administration.

If NDC could do so much for the country with just one oil field (Jubilee field), which in 2016 was not even producing at full capacity- imagine what NDC can do with three (3) oil fields, two of which came about as a result of John Mahama’s leadership and investments into the oil and gas sector.
The NDC over the years has demonstrated massive creativity in the way they competently created the environment that allowed a number of organizations to become so financially strong that they were able to use their own balance sheet to borrow without the people of Ghana had to be burdened by way of paying for those debts.
For instance, under the Mahama administration, parastatals like:
a) The Ghana Ports And Harbours Authority was able to raise US$1.5 billion without government guarantee for the Tema Port expansion project.
b) The Ghana Airport company used a similar finance mechanism to raise about $300 million for the famous KIA Terminal 3 and other projects because their balance sheet was significantly enhanced by our decision to cede to them 100% of their IGF- a decision the NPP has reversed since 2017.
c) The $500 million Ameri Power Plant is another one of such innovative financing arrangements (BOOT).
d)The Atuabo Gas processing plant – was an equally self-financing project.
The NDC also has the track record of having the ingenuity to set up the Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund (GIIF)- a major mechanism to enable us to raise global financing for major infrastructure to transform the country without further burdening the taxpayer.
* The NDC had the creativity to set up the Ghana EXIM bank with a view of turning us into an export competitive economy- the same bank which the NPP is using to partly finance their so-called 1D1F without giving credit to President Mahama who established it.
* The GETFUND is yet another example of our ability to think outside the box and create financing mechanisms for productive infrastructure developments.
So, the NDC has done it before and can do it again when given the opportunity.
Reducing the number of elephant size government – the bane of this nation.
Operation sting will rake in a lot – the Agyapa deal will be reversed, the PDS scandals, the bost gate, the Kelvi GVG,…just name them.
Ghana is VERY rich to implement NDC manifesto policies and beyond.
I will end my piece with a quote from Dr. Edward Kofi Omane Boamah –
“Ghana doesn’t belong to a select few, our resources are to be used for the benefit of us all,.
President Mahama will come and correct this and other wrongs and make sure he creates opportunities for Ghanaians regardless of your tribe, creed, and background,…”
Ghana has been poised for so long, it is time to be in full flight.
Ghana must work again.
Rescue mission!
By Kofi Azumah Xornam aka Zumzum
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