Praying at Galamsey Site: What Our Pastors Should Do
In my humble opinion, what our pastors and religious leaders should do, is to embark on crusades, if possible, nation-wide or at least in their auditoriums on the bad things galamsey brings about destruction of the environment and water bodies, intoxication of them with the obvious devastation of aquatic life etc.
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Mathew 7:7 urges us to ask and it shall be given unto us, seek and we shall find, and knock and it shall be opened unto us.
The Bible also tells us to pray without ceasing in all aspects. I think that it is in this respect that our reverend Pastor stormed some “galamsey” sites to pray profusely for the intervention of the Almighty God when all hopes seemed to have gotten lost on the sight against the canker.
That was a good one. Nevertheless it isn’t every prayer that God hears. Nobody should call me names by ways of this article – anti –God, anti-Christ, anti-prayers, etc. As a concerned Ghanaian I deserve every right to talk about issues in this country, hence this piece.
Laws on Mining, Galamsey
Saying that there are laws on mining including galamsey in this country is an understatement. What we need to do in this regard is for the concerned authorities to enforce these laws and use prayers. Please, don’t get me wrong, because I have already stated that Mathew 7:7 notwithstanding, it is not every prayer that God Hears. For Instances there are Presidential aspirants in all political parties in the Country; and the ambition of each and every one of them is to emerge winner in their impending presidential primaries, and subsequently emerge winner in the up-coming 2024 general election as president. I am not one of these aspirants, yet I go fasting and praying to become president in 2024. Will God hear this my prayer because of Mathew 7:7?
Intensive Prayers and Teachings
In my humble opinion, what our pastors and religious leaders should do, is to embark on crusades, if possible, nation-wide or at least in their auditoriums on the bad things galamsey brings about destruction of the environment and water bodies, intoxication of them with the obvious devastation of aquatic life etc.
Hold this connection because Ghana is predominately a religious nation-Christian and Muslims, with Christian’s particulars, being “more holier than thou”
By a simple analogy most of all those engaged in galamsey are either Christians or Muslims and staunch member of our various churches and mosques. In this regard, isn’t it prayer and teaching to these our “wayward” member that will do the trick? Do we play out the law enforcement agencies on the fight against the canker, and pray to God to become policeman at the galamsey sites? Obviously not period let’s preach to these practitioners of galamsey in our churches and mosques
Corruption, Cheating, Profiteering Etc.
It goes without saying that the aforementioned malpractice are not only rife in our society of late, but they also reign supreme, one may ask if Ghana is predominantly a religious nation, comprising Christians and Muslim, than who are engaged and involved in these malpractices which are threatening our very existence as people?
Can one imagine how a sachet of so-called pure water be sold for 60ps by a church mosque going person? Have we considered the ever-rocketing of prices of goods and services in the country of late, by these same religious Ghanaians? In fact the list is endless and cheating there has not only become things of the past, also being normalized profiteering, uncaring Ghanaians. These and many more are the things that in my candid opinion, should be preached against by our pastors to their members and not storming galamsey sites to pray and shout themselves hoarse at galamsey sites.
One may be tempted to ask, is it because galamsey goes with instant money and with our money –inclined pastors of late, they need instant money from gala sites, after milking dry their members?
Food For Thought
In 2 Timothy 3:1-5 the Bible is explicit on what will come in last days- selfish, love, money, disobey their parents, nit be loyal have no self-control, be violent and aggressive, love pleasure more than God pretend to love him but refuse to love him, among others. These and many more, I think our religious leaders should dwell on and preach their congregants against practicing them
By S.O Ankamah
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