President Akufo-Addo’s Misinformation and False Assurances on COVID-19 fuelling Fear and Panic
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It is time to confront the harsh reality of the grave risk we face as a nation and address them squarely and sufficiently. A health epidemic is one of the most dangerous threat that a nation can face.
Misinformation and government’s refusal to feed the public with accurate information about the disease is creating unnecessary tension in the system.
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So far Ghana has seen 7 confirmed cases of the virus, but no deaths. Given the country’s social system and creaking public health infrastructure, experts fear that the disease could quickly overwhelm health systems if not handled correctly. It is important that the President and his team feed us with accurate information, and say things based on some scientific evidence and rationing.
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The danger of disinformation, lies and misinformation are obvious. In a developing country like Ghana with high internet connectivity and low literacy, bad information could have fatal consequences. Any irresponsible statement can have very negative implications through fanning fear mongering, spread of panic and the masses lost of confidence in the system.
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The President and his team are feeding us with different kinds of cooked information. From a position of propaganda, fear and anger, that’s not the case with medical misinformation, which is often out concern or fear. Because of extreme populism, some of our leaders do not think critically.
Why should the President tell the nation he has made $100 million available when he hasn’t consulted his finance department enough to know our financial strength. There are moments in the life of every nation when its leaders are tested. A true leader would be completely focused on averting the massive crisis about to be unleashed by the virus on Ghana and the economy. We need the churches and the Mosques to educate the citizenry especially, in our rural enclaves. So far, all the measures put out by our health outfits and government, are city-centered ignoring our folks in the rural areas some who are very close to our borders.
Instead of wasting millions of our taxes on celebrities, recruit volunteers across the country (Our university students etc) to help our health authorities in their information dissemination, education, and contact tracing. Social harmony, the bedrock of economic development is now under peril. No amount of propaganda incentives will propel Ghana or foreigners to invest, when the the disease continue to exist. Lack of investment and normal business operations means lack of jobs and income, which in turn, means lack of consumption and demand in the economy hence, the call on the government by former president Mahama to take a critical look at the potential impact the disease could have on the economy. A lack of demand will only further suppress private investment. This is the vicious cycle that our economy is stuck in.
Source: Ohenenana Obonti Krow
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