Martin Amidu’s Resignation as Special Prosecutor: The Ghanaian Taxpayerdl deserves better
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Taxpayers Union learns with regret the resignation of arguably Ghana’s first Special Prosecutor after the formation of the Office Of the Special prosecutor (OSP) by the Akufo-Addo led government in it’s hope to fight corruption and especially also in the fulfilment of one of it’s manifesto promises to the people of Ghana.
In a four (4) page letter dated 16th November, 2020 and addressed to His Excellency, the President Of The Republic Of Ghana and titled “RESIGNATION OF APPOINTMENT AS SPECIAL PROSECUTOR”, the publicly known anti-corruption crusader suggests to the Ghanaian TAXPAYER that, his work as an Independent OSP was being interfered with by no less a person but the President Of The Republic himself, forming the basis for his untimely resignation. He goes ahead in the 3rd paragraph of his letter to the President to allege that, contrary to what Mr. President would have the public believe as someone who appals corruption and determined to use his office to champion the fight against corruption, Mr. President had instead hoped to use the Special Prosecutor as his poodle.
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Again, the letter reveals personal interventions made by His Excellency, President Nana Addo after the release of the Conclusions and Observations of the analysis of the risk of corruption and anti-corruption assessment of the Agyapa Royalties Limited Transactions. To this end, it has become obvious and abundantly clear the unwillingness of Mr. President to pursue any serious anti-corruption agenda now or in future and this is an indictment on the highest office of the land and a betrayal of the TRUST of the sovereign people of Ghana.
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Taxpayers Union is by this letter calling on His Excellency, The President to cause for a full scale independent, credible and by-partisan investigation into the findings of the sixty four (64) page report submitted to His Excellency on 2nd November 2020 and containing the detailed anti-corruption assessments on the matter of the Agyapa Royalties Limited Transactions. Mr. President must immediately take steps to purge himself of these undignified allegations in allowing for the prosecution of all those found culpable.
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We express our highest disappointment at developments leading to and the subsequent resignation of the special prosecutor and invite the Ghanaian taxpayer to take very keen interest in the matter.
Thank You.
Yours In True Service
TaxPayer Christopher Ankou
+ 233 549199090
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