Putin accuse U.S. of being responsible for Middle East Crisis
“It is the current U.S. ruling elites and their satellites that are the main beneficiaries of global instability,” he said.
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The United States and its allies are behind the Middle East crisis and other regional conflicts, and benefit most from global instability, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
“Those, who are behind the conflict in the Middle East and other regional crises will exploit their devastating consequences to sow hatred, and sow dissent among people worldwide,” said the Russian leader at a meeting with top security and law enforcement officials.
It is important to understand who is behind the Middle East conflict and who is responsible for organizing and benefiting from “deadly chaos” in different regions, Putin said.
“It is the current U.S. ruling elites and their satellites that are the main beneficiaries of global instability,” he said.
Putin said that attempts have been made to use the dramatic situation in the Middle East and other regional conflicts against Russia, with the aim of destabilizing the country and splitting its diverse and multi-religious society.
The United States is becoming weaker and losing its status as the world’s sole superpower and hegemon. This world order is slowly becoming a thing of the past, said Putin.
Washington wants to maintain and extend its dominance and global leadership, he said, adding that this is more convenient in times of global instability when it is easier to restrain competitors and geopolitical opponents.
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