Reasons Why a lot of Women are Not Happy in their Marriages…
Just Little or no foreplay will leave her dry and uninterested. Rushing in and rushing out of Vaginàl is a killér of sexual intimacy in marriage. Learn to be romantic
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Why is your woman not happy with you? Why is she easily angry, irritable, depressed, frustrated and very bitter towards you? Why did she lose respect for you in marriage? Why is she so emotionally unhappy, hates s€x and lost her charm?
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Some men are perfect complainers and critics. They believe praising a woman will make her head swell and misbehave, even when she s slaving to death, they will rather attack, abuse, complain, criticize than appreciate her. If you are that type of man, you can never have a happy woman under your roof. A simple “Thank you”,” You are doing a great job”, “It’s great having you in my life” will do a great magic and turn your marriage around. Learn to appreciate & complement your wife when she goes out of her way to please you. She will be happy and that gloom in your marriage will automatically disappear.
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Women are communication beings. I mean women love to talk, be listened to and well understood. When you are too busy to communicate with her, too reluctant to look into her eyeballs and let her know she is the most important person to you after God, you will have a frustrated, depressed wife. Women understand you can be so busy and needs time to unwind and think, yes! Women know, but don’t make it a habit of ignoring your wife. She needs you to talk to her daily.
Cheating is the most painful treatment you can give to a woman. Chasing side chicks, having emotional/sexual chats with other women on social media & your neighborhood may make your wife lose her mind. When you cheat on your wife, you have disrespected her, when you cheat on your wife, you have killed her emotionally no matter how much you give to her, when you cheat on your wife, you devalue her. When you cheat on your wife, you make her vulnerable to infection & deadly diseases. When you cheat on your wife, sex will no longer be intimate but a duty. No wife will ever be happy with an adulterous man. Stop it now and work on your marriage or you may end up divorced.
Some men will look at their very beautiful wife, acknowledge her beauty and attractiveness but to open their mouth and say it is a big problem. Some men need to be taught how to admire their women. Learn to open your mouth and tell your wife she’s beautiful daily. No man out there should do that for you, it’s your job. Admire her when she makes effort to look good for you. Admire her hair, body and natural endowments. Admire her uniqueness. Open your mouth and tell her. Women need to hear this as often as possible.
Just Little or no foreplay will leave her dry and uninterested. Rushing in and rushing out of Vaginàl is a killér of sexual intimacy in marriage. Learn to be romantic. Be patient with her, take things slowly till she is ready for intercourse. Do not pick your trouser and leave her on the bed, Do not roll over and sleep when it is over. Pull her close to your arms. Cuddle & make her feel your warmth embrace. Let her sleep in your arms. There is nothing as blissful as letting your wife sleep in your arms.
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You sit in front of TV with remote in hand and tooth pick in your mouth while your wife is slaving in the kitchen, with one hand changing diapers, helping your kids with assignment, answering phone calls from clients, sweeping the apartment, preparing for the next day work. That’s very bad. Your wife works as much as you do if not more but always come back home to meet dirty dishes & clothes waiting for her any day she returns. Learn to assist your woman at home. Don’t turn her to your maid, don’t watch her die of stress, don’t make her look older than you.
That’s a shame. If you love her the way those women’s husbands love them, she will be more virtuous than them all. Stop comparing your wife with women you don’t know their weaknesses. If their husband’s tell you their other side they have been enduring you will thank God for yours. Stop being covetous. Work on your marriage and have a better wife.
Nothing embarrasses a woman more like her husband correcting or shouting at her in a public place. It is demeaning and very babyish. Every form of correction should take place in the house before stepping out and if at all you must correct as a matter of urgency, call her aside and speak to her softly, maturely and discreetly. You will earn her honour for protecting her image, she will respect you more and be happy with you.
This is wrong. You are not joined to your mother but your wife. You are not one with your mother but your wife. Some men don’t understand the language of leaving and cleaving. You leave every form of emotional intimacy with your parents and bond with your wife. You should talk first to your wife not your mum when making decisions. Both of you should speak with one voice to your mum. Some men even leave the home running of their marriage to the mother and treat their wife like slaves in her marriage. No woman will ever be happy with you in that kind of arrangement -never!
How can a woman ever be happy with a husband who spends all his money on himself, strange women and his extended family members and little or nothing on his wife and children. These men appear nice, very generous, Philanthropic outside but inside, the woman is suffering, hungry and indebted. The rent is in arrears, children are sent home for school fees, debtors are harassed to bless him, but the tears of the wife and children are cursing him. Your wife’s curse will work faster than all the supposed blessings you expect from your eye service. Charity begins at home. Your wife and children are more important than others. Take care of them first before taking care of outsiders. When your family is happy, well fed and clothed, they will be happy and bless you. People will bless you for helping you. God will also bless you abundantly.
Learn to put first things first. When your wife is happy with you, your life will run smoothly, doors of favour will open to you and you will increase in health, wealth and prosperity.
Do not make your wife unhappy, it will affect your marriage.
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