REJOINDER: Dam Spillage: Failure To Provide Saglemi Houses Shows You Are Deliberately Punishing People – Bernard Mornah
We were forced integrated into Ghana as a wholesome nation, but we are going to be separated from it as a devasted wounded nation.
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A convener of the Arise Ghana movement has aligned with the calls made by several civil society groups and Ghanaians urging the government to relocate the victims of the Akosombo Dam spillage to the unfinished Saglemi Housing Project.
According to Bernard Mornah, these nearly completed houses would offer a more suitable alternative to the current living conditions of the displaced victims.
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The reality of the situation is that the citizens of Western/British Togoland had always suffered injustices with regards to their share of the cake baked jointly with their resources since Gold Coast time.
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With Gold Coast becomng Ghana, the stark reality of its politicians of Western Togoland surely separating from Ghana one day, led them to withhold any significant development projects and assistantance from them. The saddest part is that it is Western Togolanders who made Ghana what it is today, or it would have been even less than a 5th world country! Even the Gold Coast colonial masters recognize this fact very well!
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We were forced integrated into Ghana as a wholesome nation, but we are going to be separated from it as a devasted wounded nation. But just like our ancestors, we will emerge a strong sovereign nation to be envied, sooner than later by all.
Bobby Quaquoo is a Freelance Journalist and Western Togoland Freedom Fighter living in the diaspora.
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