Rejoinder: Even if a goat births 3, NPP will claim it as their achievement – ABA Fuseini
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First of all, it is quite unimpressive to make a point of inference using the caption as in the above statement as you had made a few days ago, especially that it is coming from a legislator albeit an ignorant and self-worshipping stooge as yourself. You may use as many Dagbon proverbs to insult opponents as you can, but that can never change the fact that you are as useless as wasted blotting paper.
Yes, the NPP is a party of sensible and visionary people. Truth be told that I agree with the Akan proverb, which says, “3fe3 biara Mensah [or is it manso] w)mu”. It is imperative for the NPP to claim all the good works that President Akufo-Addo is achieving. We do take credit for the fantastic Free SHS; we do take credit for the successful “planting for food and jobs”; for the massive school infrastructure and adjoining hostels; for the massive road networks; for the massive train system and soon-to-be-constructed “sky train”; for the peace in Dagbon engineered by the President and implemented under his close supervision; for the discontinuity of parasitic taxes of the NDC; for paying nurses allowances; for the paperless system; for the sanitisation of the banking industry; for the construction of landing ports along the coast; and many more identifiable feats chalked by the NPP government like the massive rice and maize production. I am almost certain that you do not patronise locally produced rice. In this regard, your jealousy emanates from the fact that agriculture under the NDC became a non-culture!
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However, we do not claim poisonous mushrooms and pests. We also do not claim goats like those your people used as bribes and gifts. So to say that we “even claim goats” is factually incorrect because we did not claim you!
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Your nonsense will not deter us from doing what is right. President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is so focused that he has zeroed in on the agenda of #MakingGhanaGreatAgain! The impediments that your colleague hungry bastards and babies with sharp teeth throw in his way will just crush under his feet. Can you compare to the NPP? You are supposed to be a legislator, but I shudder at the thought that our parliament is harbouring NDC dunderhead idiots of your caliber. Maybe that is the reason why under your party, the NDC, nothing better came from parliament. When you compare the work of parliament of the NDC to that of the NPP, you shamefully get lost in the shadows of worthlessness.
Your foolish MPs took double salaries. You stole from the poor Ghanaian just to fill your bottomless pockets. I wish you would take care of your constituency than sit in your swinery to spew rubbish. ABA Fusseini, you have been MP since 2009, of which 8 years were spent under the NDC, yet your constituents are still wallowing in abject poverty, and lack of basic amenities and utilities. The constituency roads were not fixed during the 8 years of your NDC governments, yet you deem it necessary to speak to issues that are way above your level of thinking, vision, wisdom, and morals. So just shut up and hold your peace; this last part being an irony of speech because you do not seem to have any peace in you!
By Fadi Dabbousi
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