Repercussions from Negative Behaviors towards Western/British Togoland Freedom and its Citizens

Indeed when Britain's UN Security Council representative was pushing for Ghana's UN membership a few days later at the UN General Assembly, he also repeated the same lie. Unfortunately the UN failed to do due diligence by failing to investigate Britain's claims.

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The Lord God had spoken to people like Prophet Wovenu of the Apostles’ Revelation Society (ARS) that Western/British Togoland would gain its freedom, long before Gold Coast freedom struggle started.  Indeed that prophesy was fulfilled when in 1956 the United Nations granted independence to Togoland Trust Territory under British administration, through its Resolution 1044(XI) at its General Assembly on December 13,1956. This was to make it possible to form a political union with the Gold Coast when it became independent since it takes at least two independent nations to enter into a union agreement.

Britain, the Administrator, was required by the General Assembly to carry out the terms of this resolution. But Britain refused to carry out this UN resolution because in 1954 it had drawn a clandestine plan to integrate the entire Territory of Western Togoland into her independent Gold Coast BY ALL MEANS. This plan was revealed in its classified document titled MOST SECRET.

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So while the whole world was looking forward to the UN Trust Territory of Togoland under British administration gaining its independence, Britain on the other hand was busy planning the opposite.  And that was why on the eve of Gold Coast independence Governor Allan Clarke sent a deceptive telegram to the UN Secretary-General that it had carried out their resolution mandate of forming a UNION between British Togoland and Ghana, meaning also that she had affected British Togoland independence before that. Indeed when Britain’s UN Security Council representative was pushing for Ghana’s UN membership a few days later at the UN General Assembly, he also repeated the same lie. Unfortunately the UN failed to do due diligence by failing to investigate Britain’s claims.

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Just as God punished those who attempted to block his freedom and Promised Land prophecies against the Israelites, so has he been doing to those Ghanaian leaders who actively tried to block Western Togoland freedom or wrongfully persecute its citizens? Here are specific examples.


He massacred many Western Togolanders including chiefs and others who opposed the forced integration to Ghana contrary to the May 19, 1956 Plebiscite and UN Resolution 944(XI) of 15 December 1955 for a UNION with Ghana.  Even pregnant women were massacred alive and the unborn babies killed.  Many were exiled.

PUNISHMEN FROM GOD: Nkrumah never had peace during his presidency. He was forced to introduce a ONE PARTY STATE, with draconian measures such as the Preventive Detention Act (PDA) which further alienated him from the public. His government was eventually toppled in 1966 and he remained a fugitive and died in a foreign land.


During his short reign Dr. Busia demonstrated his extreme hatred towards Western Togolanders and   dismissed over 500 senior public servants unjustifiably and even contemptuously treated the Supreme Court ruling against him.


President Busia’s regime was riddled with economic crises, necessitating his removal in 1972 by the military led by Colonel Acheampong who was later promoted to a General.


He rounded up scores of Western Togoland chiefs who were demanding separation from Ghana in 1974. But for pleadings from some eminent Ghansians, he like Nkrumah would have executed them.

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Acheampong never had peace during his 8-year military rule. He was eventually toppled by a palace coup d’état by General Akufo and later executed in the June 4th Revolution by J.J. Rawlings’ regime in 1979.


President Akufo-Addo first arrested Western Togolanders in 2017 over the quest for separation from Ghana. Ironically, when Akufo-Addo was Minister of Justice under President Kuffuor he wrote in response to Western Togoland freedom movement’s request for documentary evidence of Western/British Togoland Union with Ghana, that there was no such documentary evidence, hence there was no such union. Yet he ordered the arrest and detention of Western Togolanders who were exercising their inalienable rights to free themselves and their nation from that illegality. Again in November 2019, and September 2020 where these natives of Western Togoland were exercising their inalienable and UN enshrined rights to self-determination of which Ghana is a signatory, Akufo-Addo again ordered their arrest, detention and torture by which some died. As I write this today many are still in detention for.over 2 years without bail and trial and many more woefully wrongfully convicted.


Akufo-Addo’s first term was riddled with unprecedented corruption, economic mismanagement and the worst human and media rights abuses of any civilian governance era. So at the end of his first term, the people booted him and his party out of power during the 2020 elections. But he resorted to vote rigging through a most corrupt Electoral Commission Chairman Ghana has ever had, as well as intimidation through the massacre of unarmed civilians who were just exercising their constitutional rights to protect their votes.

After illegally installing himself in power through his relatives and party favorites he appointed to the Supreme Court, he faced the most catastrophic corruption-led economic crises any civilian regime has ever had.  So far he has artificially propped himself up in power through a tribal security leadership that he has heavily bought.  But the worse is yet to happen if he continues to resist efforts to fully separate Western Togoland from Ghana, to correct the illegality of Nkrumah through the exercise of brute force.

From the foregoing it is clear that Ghana can never enjoy real political and economic prosperity till it returns the armed-robbed property to its original owners and make the needful compensation and reparation to Western Togoland and its affected citizens. No amount of sacrifices against Western Togoland…..and there have been many and still counting….can stop God’s pre-determined plan for its freedom.  It is like the Pharisee Saul of Tarsus trying to stop the expansion of Christianity.



Bobby Quaqoo is a Freelance Journalist and an African in the Diaspora.

August 21/2023


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