RTI Law is really Working: Paul Adom Otchere has shown the Way
The prompt release of the details as requested by the applicant is highly commendable.
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Paul Addo Otchere has really demonstrated that the Right To Information Law, 2019, (Act 989) passed by his government is working with regards to prompt disclosure of information by public institutions.
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Paul Adom Otchere, host of Good Evening Ghana program on Metro TV wrote to the Secretariat of the Council of State on June 8, 2022 seeking information with on the attendance of members of the Council to meetings of the various sub-committees of the Council to which they belong.
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In compliance with dictates of the RTI Law, the Secretariat quickly and timeously responded to the request and submitted the full compliments of the information being sought just a day after the request – June 9, 2022.
The prompt release of the details as requested by the applicant is highly commendable.
Note that the objective of the request was to emphasis the fact that Togbe Afede XIV as chair of one of the sub-committee’s failed to hold several meetings as compared to other sub-committees.
The conclusion by Paul was that the respected Chief performed abysmally as a result.
Paul Adom Otchere has really shown the way that information can be released promptly by any public institution without hindrance. Every citizen should therefore follow the good example of Paul and seek for information from any public institution especially from the Council of State to help the public appreciate the issues.
Please let all citizens take a cue and apply.
The information will be realised promptly, just apply.
Areas that all information seekers can explore at the Council of State in order to make the debate complete include:
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1. The Agenda and minutes of meetings held by the various sub-committees from 2017 to 2021.
2. The sitting Allowance sign sheets of the meetings held by the various sub-committees of the Council of from 2017 to 2021
3. The Attendance sheets of the various sub-committees of the Council of State from January-May 2022.
4. The agenda and minutes of the meetings held by the committees in 3 above.
5. The Allowance sign sheets for the meetings held in 3 above.
These information will provide the listening/reading and viewing public to fully understand the issues.
It is my hope that no citizen will be denied access to these information in the name of National Security interest or that the information is not readilly available.
Article 21(1) (f) of the 1992 constitution states that “All persons shall have the right to information subject to such qualifications and laws as are necessary for a democratic society”.
This was the basis for the passage of Act 989.
By Christian Kpesese
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