S.O. Ankamah is Bereaved again
Akonda Nsowah passed away at the ripe age of 108.
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Barely a year ago, when Veteran Journalist, S.O Ankamah of the Parliamentary Press Corps fame was hit by series of funerals, involving his mother, Grace Donkor and Sister Elizabeth Ankamah, he has once more been hit by the death of his uncle, Okyeame Panyin Mathew Kofi Nsowah also known as Akonda.
Akonda Nsowah passed away at the ripe age of 108. That notwithstanding, his final funeral rites have been scheduled as follows.
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Wake Keeping: Friday 19th January 2024 @ Sefwi Suiano A
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Funeral Rites: Saturday 20th January 2024 @ Sefwi Suiano A
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Sunday: 21st 2024 Thanksgiving @ St. Philip’s Anglican Church Sefwi Suiano A, Funeral continues after church service at Suiano Funeral grounds
Since “Ayie ye Nkogya Nkogya” as the Akans will put it, S.O requests, friends and all to mourn with him in this trying moments
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