Sammy Gyamfi’s Exceptional Communication Skills and Popularity is a Clear Danger to the NPP
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The National Communication Officer of the NDC, Lawyer Sammy Gyamfi’s Communication Skills is becoming a headache for government and the ruling party. His popularity forced the ruling party to make swift changes in its communication setup. Whether the popularity of Sammy Gyamfi is the result of growing confidence in his policies and programmes, or an indication of growing disenchantment with deteriorating socioeconomic conditions and other challenges, is hard to ascertain, but it does represent a real threat to the ruling NPP.
Communication is not about making ugly noises and speaking 13th century English or being able to hold a conversation extremely well. It is about ones ability to concisely get his ideas and message across, convince his audience or people around him to get behind these ideas, and build as well as maintain relationships through effective dialogue. That is the strength of the young man. Speaking well requires you to adapt your speech to suit your audience. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you need the oratorical skills of Winston Churchill, and doesn’t just mean being proficient in English. It also means having command over issues you address, clear and audible diction, and concise sentences. Sammy Gyamfi is a confident and amiable speakers hence his ability to establish trust with his audience.
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No doubt, in the contemporary period, Sammy is rated one of the most effective communicators. He listens and that enables him to weigh and evaluate various issues before he formulates a response. He communicates clearly and organises his thoughts to ensure that what he communicates comes out in an organised fashion. He is sincere and Ghanaians believe him when he speaks because of the sincerity with which he speaks.
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On Newsfile this Saturday, Lawyer Sammy Gyamfi mesmerized his colleagues on the programme with his exceptional communication skills and exposed their hypocritical stance on the nepotism debate.
It is clear that widespread nepotism in politics is a form of corruption that weakens governments. People who wrongly chastised the former President for allegedly running a family and friends government do not see anything wrong with the current President appointing over 50 family members into his administration.
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In some of the advanced democracies, nepotism in any form is prohibited and for good reasons. Governments in these jurisdictions have an obligation to maintain competitive, open and merit based personnel practices. The truth is that nepotism shuts out qualified applicants and creates hurdles that shouldn’t exist. As a type of corruption, it’s not only unethical in these countries but also illegal, and it can be a criminal offense. The National Communication Office in his address to the press (Moment of Truth) provided solid evidence to support his nepotism allegation against the President and his party. Many are shocked that many otherwise respected opinion leaders and people who accused the former president of appointing his friends and family into his administration, do not see what is wrong with the current president appointing over 50 family members into his administration when he promised Ghanaians will not run a family and friends government if elected.
The issue is not about how many appointments the President can make. We have over a million families in Ghana and the president and his family alone are occupying 50 juicy of the positions that is the scary truth. Prof Adei and his anti nepotism apostles have lost their voices. They have taken appointments in this administration so see nothing wrong with a President appointing over 50 family members into his administration. They have resorted to use of asthmatic theories to justify the President’s unethical action. Two major challenges facing the country under this administration is corruption and nepotism they continue to hold the country back. Those defending this evil practice should go and read about nepotism in Africa and how appointments of some individuals who happen/happened to be family members of Presidents into key ministerial or leadership positions in parastatals has affected nations economic growth. We can talk about the Santos family in Angola. Santos appointed his daughter as head of the state owned oil company Sonangol, Zuma and his daughter, Sirleaf Johnson and his sons, Robert and Charles etc etc. Is this the practice the hypocrites want us to incorporate into our governance system?
Ghanaians have lost trust in the current administration and its communication outfit because of their lies and dishonesty. Sammy’s popularity surges every day because of the sincerity with which he speaks, his humility, affability and readiness to accommodate all views.
Source: Ohenenana Obonti Krow
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