Sankofa Series: Here is why I.K. Acheampong implemented Operation Feed Yourself in 1972
“At the time, I was not so mature, but at least we saw that Ghana was going through some transformation and transition, that is what I can say. But the good thing that he brought that I still cherish is ‘Operation Feed Yourself’. He brought people on board, making sure that Ghanaians were really planting and growing what they ate. For me, if I want to remember Kutu Acheampong, I will remember him for that,” he stated.
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Once in Ghana’s history, there was an economic crisis that compelled the country to rely solely on home-grown foods.
This was because the international community was angry at Ghana as a result of a decision that was taken by the then-head of state, General Ignatius Kutu Acheampong.
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When he took over as the country’s leader through a coup in 1972, he cancelled Ghana’s external debts of about $601,807,880.
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In an attempt to deal with the repercussions of his decision, General Acheampong brought about a policy called ‘Operation Feed Yourself’. This policy was an ambitious program aimed at propelling Ghana towards self-sufficiency in food production.
The policy was to ensure that everybody practices backyard gardening or at least grows something, be it maize, tomatoes, pepper, etc.
In the end, there were enough staple foods and vegetables, among others, for consumption in the country.
‘Operation Feed Yourself’ was also a way to reduce the impact of the sanctions imposed on the country by the international community.
A septuagenarian who witnessed this period described it as one of the best moments in Ghana’s history.
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The former Member of Parliament for the Twifo Atti-Morkwa Constituency, Abraham Dwoma Odoom, speaking with GhanaWeb’s William Narh on People & Places, reminisced about the widespread impact of the policy.
“The ‘Operation Feed Yourself’ policy went down to every aspect of our social lives. That was the time Kutu Acheampong came up with the policy of ‘Yen tua’ [We won’t pay]. The World Bank loans, the IMF loans, and the others, he said we were not going to pay. He also said that people who owed ate; therefore, he envisaged that there was going to be a cut on imports or people bringing in goods. The alternative, then, was to let us grow our own food.
“You could see gardens in almost every backyard. Schools had their gardens, and institutions like the prison service had their farms. Individuals also had their tomatoes, onions, and others. I can say that was one of the best times food was very cheap and available in our country,” he stated.
The former MP added that the military leader, Kutu Acheampong, would forever be remembered for the Operation Feed Yourself policy.
To him, it is because the benefit was immediately seen across the country.
“At the time, I was not so mature, but at least we saw that Ghana was going through some transformation and transition, that is what I can say. But the good thing that he brought that I still cherish is ‘Operation Feed Yourself’. He brought people on board, making sure that Ghanaians were really planting and growing what they ate. For me, if I want to remember Kutu Acheampong, I will remember him for that,” he stated.
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