Stop Sweeping Cases Under the Carpet- Otumfuo to Divisions
Apart from contributing to the numerous delayed chieftaincy disputes within Asanteman, he noted that it also perpetuates the persistence of these disputes.
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His Majesty Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has denounced efforts and attempts by some Divisions of the Kumasi Traditional Council to bury some cases in which they have a personal interest, depriving justice where it is due.
Apart from contributing to the numerous delayed chieftaincy disputes within Asanteman, he noted that it also perpetuates the persistence of these disputes.
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Per laid down procedures, he noted that all cases must go to the required Division for processing and scheduling before they can be brought to him.
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However, speaking at the Kumasi Traditional Council meeting on August 15, 2024, the Asantehene said such cases of interest are intentionally delayed and sometimes never make it to his presence.
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He therefore warned the members of the various Divisions who exhibit authoritarianism and rubbish cases on their own discretion without fair hearing to desist from such practices.
His Majesty did not mince words when he stated that all those found culpable will have to answer to him.
“They often take money and do that in favour of one faction. This is not patriotism and it’s cheating. Do the right thing for peace to reign. The subjects are trusting us to be honest and give due judgement, if you break that trust, who will they have to turn to.”
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