Story Story: The Maid’s Desire (Part 3)

Their once warm marriage bed became cold and distant.

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Eunice, a practicing Catholic had always been a woman of grace, quietly carrying the weight of her world with the dignity that her godmother Mrs. Hanson had passed down to her.

She had always believed in the sanctity of marriage. For ten years, she had stood by Agyekum’s side, through thick and thin, always believing that their love would weather any storm.

But lately, she felt as if she was drowning in a sea of uncertainty, and the man she once knew as her husband seemed like a stranger, slipping further out of her grasp with each passing day.

The change was subtle at first.

It started from a distracted look, a distant tone in his voice, Agyekum’s late hours at work, and his hollow conversations at the dinner table.

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Eunice, ever the understanding wife chalked it up to stress, the pressures of work bearing down on him as they sometimes did.

But it wasn’t long before the tension in the house became too thick and the cracks in their marriage became too deep to ignore.

Agyekum began to show a preference for the meals Serwaa their maid prepared, complimenting her cooking in a way that he hadn’t done for Eunice in years.

At first, it seemed harmless. An oddity that Eunice brushed aside. After all, Serwaa was a skilled cook. But soon, it became clear that this was no simple appreciation.

Eunice watched as Agyekum pushed aside her carefully prepared dishes with a scowl of disdain, waiting instead for Serwaa to bring out something from the kitchen.

The compliments he once showered on Eunice’s cooking were now reserved for Serwaa, his eyes lighting up as he tasted her food. It was a cruel twist of fate that Eunice had never imagined.

The divide between them only grew wider. Agyekum and Serwaa seemed to form a united front, taking sides against Eunice on every issue, no matter how small. Eunice was no longer just alone in her marriage; she was outnumbered. Agyekum, who once couldn’t bear to see her sad, now frowned whenever she entered the room, his expression softening only when Serwaa was nearby. It was as if Eunice had become invisible, a ghost in her own home, while Serwaa took center stage.

Agyekum started showering praises on Serwaa for taking good care of his children and keeping their home tidy.

The changes didn’t stop there. Agyekum began giving Serwaa money: more than Eunice had ever seen him part with. He bought Serwaa short dresses, tight corsets, and trendy shoes.

Clothing, that transformed the once modest maid into someone almost unrecognizable. Serwaa flaunted these gifts openly, her confidence growing with every new outfit, while Eunice felt her own spirit wither. The sight of Serwaa in those clothes, walking around the house as if she owned it, was a dagger to Eunice’s heart.

But the true betrayal came when Eunice discovered that Agyekum had blocked her on all his social media accounts. It wasn’t just an exclusion; it was an erasure. On those platforms, where they once shared the milestones of their life together, Agyekum now spewed insults that cut deeper than any blade. He called her ugly, a narcissist, dirty, and lazy in bed, words that tore at the very core of who she was. His friends (men) who had once toasted to their happiness now laughed alongside him as he praised Serwaa, speaking of her as if she were the one who had always belonged by his side.

Their once warm marriage bed became cold and distant. Agyekum no longer touched Eunice. His desire for her seemingly vanished. Nights that were once filled with intimacy were now spent in silence, Agyekum turning his back to her without a word. Eunice felt the sting of rejection in every moment, a pain that left her feeling both lost and abandoned.

And as if that wasn’t enough, Agyekum found fault in everything she did. He picked quarrels over the smallest things.

How she cleaned the house, how she dressed, even how she spoke. Every word from her mouth seemed to irritate him, his temper flaring at the slightest provocation. Eunice was left walking on eggshells, afraid to speak, afraid to breathe, afraid of the man who had once been her protector.

…Watch Out for Part 4

By Nana Ama Asantewaa Kwarko


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