Suggested review of the curfew hours and lifting the ban on the riding of motorcycles in the Bawku general area
According to the locals, there has been a significant reduction in gun violence in Bawku and its environs within the first half of 2024.
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(1). We interacted with some locals who suggested that the government must be pleaded with to review the curfew hours (10 pm to 5 am) and the lifting of the ban on riding motorcycles (starting with women) in the Bawku general area.
(2). According to the locals,
there has been a significant reduction in gun violence in Bawku and its environs within the first half of 2024.
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This is attributable partly to the locals committing themselves to initiatives aimed at silencing the guns in the general area.
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(3). The ban on motorcycle riding has almost crippled the local economy of Bawku. Most businesses have closed due to the restriction of movements. As a result, most men have fled to the south, i.e., Accra and Kumasi.
(4). For most households, therefore, women (most being traders) are the breadwinners. Allowing women to ride motorbikes will alleviate suffering as well as ease transportation of their kids to schools and their wares to the markets.
(5). Despite the significant strides in achieving peace in the area, the ban on the motorbike riding does not reflect this progress. The ban makes it difficult to integrate the communities.
(6). A gradual easing of the ban starting with women will change the general atmosphere in Bawku to reflect the gains made in restoring peace in the area.
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(7). Most public sector services have almost grounded to a halt because of transportation difficulties. The Presbyterian Health Service has been forced to repost staff to other facilities. The Ghana Education Service has been posting teachers to teach in their own communities, creating a situation whereby some schools are overstaffed while others are understaffed.
(8). Allowing women to ride motorbikes will, in the short and medium term, improve health care and education delivery.
(9). Commercial tricycles and auto rickshaws 🛺 operators have taken advantage of the ban on motor riding fleece the locals. Residents are forced to pay high fares for short distances, resulting in dissatisfaction and anger towards the government.
(10). According to a lecturer of the Gbewaa College of Education, easing the curfew hours and reviewing the ban on riding motorbikes (starting with women) would ease movement of goods and services to make up for the economic losses due to the conflict.
(b). It would allow people to move freely to ease the tension in town
(c).It would facilitate the much needed integration, as tension reduces
(d). It would increase the movement of people and social engagement, leading to less concentration on the conflict
(e). It will generally increase economic activities.
Owula Mangortey
31st May 2024
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