We’ve mobilised GHc37 b out of a target of GHc42.5 b-GRA SpyDa Dec 10, 2019 The Ghana Revenue Authority has disclosed to the media that it has managed to generate GHc37 billion from taxes out…
Telecom industry contributes GHc2.2bn tax in 2018 SpyDa Nov 29, 2019 Total taxes collected and payments made to government by telecommunication companies in Ghana amounted to GHc2.2…
Licensed Buying Companies sue GRA and GCB over payment of… SpyDa Nov 28, 2019 Some Licensed Buying Companies (LBCs) who are consistently being harassed to register and pay Value Added Tax on…
Licensed Cocoa Buying Companies sue GRA, COCOBOD over VAT SpyDa Nov 26, 2019 Over ten Licensed Buying Companies (LBCs) who are into buying cocoa beans have filed a writ at an Accra High Court…