Ten shocking truths about SEX
Some wives have perfected the art of faking an orgasm yet all they had to do was tell the husband how she liked it. Stop living a lie
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1. Some husbands have the clitoris of their wives next to them each night yet have never played with it to give her pleasure. Discover the wonder that is the clitoris
2. Some wives are so insecure about their bodies that they cannot allow their husbands to see them naked or make love in light. Lady your low self-esteem is ruining your sex life, love yourself
3. Some husbands think that lovemaking is all about penetration. Gentleman, the woman’s body has a lot of pleasure spots, explore
4. Some wives think it is only the husband’s role to initiate and lead on lovemaking so they lay there lifeless in bed burdening the man. Lady, be a willing participant. It is so sexy when you make moves too
5. Some husbands bore and hurt their wives when they penetrate because they don’t sufficiently prepare her. Gentleman, to be a King in bed you must learn the art of foreplay, take time before entering her world
6. Some wives have perfected the art of faking an orgasm yet all they had to do was tell the husband how she liked it. Stop living a lie
7. Some people have been married for years without living out their sexual fantasies simply because they have never told their partner their favourite position. Please, don’t suffer in marriage, communicate to your spouse how you like it. Sex has a shelf life, an age is coming when you will not be able to have any sexual activity
8. Some people are so used to masturbation that they don’t even desire their spouse. Stop ruining your marriage, give in to your spouse, not to your fingers
9. Some people flirt with others but not their spouse and then wonder why their marriage is boring. I dare you to be naughty with your spouse and see whether your spouse won’t like it
10. Some people copy-paste their experiences onto their spouse and get frustrated. Your spouse is a unique individual. Just because your ex liked her neck kissed, doesn’t mean your spouse does; just because your ex liked his balls played with doesn’t mean your spouse does too. Learn your spouse afresh.
Source: Myrepubliconline
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