The life of a journalist intern
Allow me to share a little secret with you. Be attentive. Before joining the Vision newsroom, I was so scared and anxious about editorial meetings, especially. Left with me alone, editorial meetings should be skipped for my selfish gain. My mediocre mentality persuaded me not to take the leap of faith to conquer my fear.
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Now I can confidently say without stuttering that I am gradually winning over my fear. It took me leaps of faith to get there.
As a young intern keen to hone my skills for a professional career, it was requisite of me to join a suitable organization to achieve this. An organization that helps me nurture and discover my potential.
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Vision 1 FM did me good by offering me the opportunity to gain this one-of-a-kind experience of working in a newsroom, working hand in hand with superiors during editorial meetings and production. Such that I don’t downplay the opportunity at all.
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I must say it isn’t easy going through close to a month’s journey of learning and practicing.
Allow me to share a little secret with you. Be attentive. Before joining the Vision newsroom, I was so scared and anxious about editorial meetings, especially. Left with me alone, editorial meetings should be skipped for my selfish gain. My mediocre mentality persuaded me not to take the leap of faith to conquer my fear.
So, for close to a week, I was content being with the mid-morning show production team. Earlier, I was told to be with the mid-morning show production because the newsroom was already full. Oh, how excited I was! I do not regret joining the newsroom.
My gratitude goes to Dr. Frank Fuckenburg, Elder Joseph Tettey, and all who kept pushing for me to join the newsroom as soon as possible. Let me not forget my sincere gratitude to the Arthurs for their kindness; they have been instrumental in my career.
The eyes that met me on the first day were those of a few interns and superiors on the newsroom radio. While seated, I was both nervous and happy because the editorial meeting was almost over.
Glory to God most High for a successful internship.
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Lessons Learnt
The virtue of humility Often times, humility is preached in churches in almost every sphere, consciously or unconsciously. Why humility? The Holy Bible puts it right: humble yourself before the Lord, and he will lift you up (James 4:10). It is no different when it comes to exhibiting humility as an intern in an organization. At Vision 1 FM, one can have an effective learning experience if only you humble yourself and ask your superiors (senior journalists) to grasp all they need to.
One critical virtue worth mentioning is having a teachable spirit. I struggled a little handling some petty tools I wasn’t conversant with both in the studio and in the newsroom. Consequently, anyone with this trait would go as far as you put your mind to. This virtue, when harnessed and honed, can be a breakthrough in one’s career. Just like an eagle, one would soar high!
You would agree with me that without perseverance, no goal is accomplished or an impact is also made. I learned the hard way to keep persevering at a time when I almost gave up controlling the console at the studio. Intimidating words were said, but I kept moving until I overcame them. One thing you must know is that perseverance doesn’t take away fear, intimidation, or even mistakes; the point is to keep moving regardless.
Tolerance is like a song with amazing lyrics that, when sung, soothes the soul; in fact, the ambience is great. Both young and old will testify to it; without tolerance, peace is eroded. It is typical of any newsroom to consist of people with different social classes, personalities, backgrounds, and what have you. Trust me, it is worth it to learn to respect opinions and everything else for a harmonious life. Do you hear me? Tolerate running errands, including waakye errands.
Networking has been talked about several times in professional environments. As they say, networking earned me an opportunity, as I got featured on the Vision 1 FM website. I deem it a great opportunity.
Internships are a huge stepping stone for anyone who desires to have a fruitful career. Instead of running away from them, embrace them with the expectation of growing, nurturing, harnessing, and honing one’s potential.
By Edna Garimah |
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