The National Peace Council has lost its Credibility; It is Working on the Direction of Jean Mensa and the NPP
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If you look around today, hypocrisy abounds. Faces are hiding in their mask, actions are awash in contradictions, and words are going against intentions. Once a hypocrite, always a hypocrite. When they are caught in the concentric circle of pretensions, they get sucked more into it the more they try to get out.
The intellectual community, members of the Peace Council and our religious leaders are supposed to be the friends, philosophers and guide to the nation. Because of their status in society and intellectual capabilities, the nation looks up to them to provide an incisive and accurate analysis of crucial events that aid the betterment of the nation. But like the kitten that finds itself entangled in a bundle of wool and is unable to extricate itself, these persons and bodies lie trapped in a psychological quagmire of its own making unable to perform any useful function.
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Dictated by narrow interests in lieu of factual evidence, some are confused people and bodies who are incapable of seeing the larger picture or defining the true destiny of this great nation. By their utterances, writings and comments, these persons, instead of presenting the nation with a meticulous exposition of issues with possible solution, have shown themselves to be ardent apologies to the nation’s wreckers supplying them with ample reasons to justify their undemocratic and nefarious acts.
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In addition to supporting what majority deem evil, these persons some in the so called Peace Council make every attempt to temper their savage acts by unjust justifications and willful distractions in order to alter public perception of these unacceptable events. An example is the Peace Council’s recent statement that : the Electoral Commission should be allowed to do its work. Has the Commission been stopped from exercising its constitutionally stipulated mandate? Is it the first time a political party, civil society organizations and other well meaning Ghanaians are expressing their reservations about decisions taken by the Commission?. Lacking the courage to speak against these dangerous decisions or the acumen to perform a critical analysis, these compromised persons use their reckless utterances to incite the public against people and organizations who raise these critical issues. Lack of honesty and an inability to play the role assigned them. Those not subscribing to government views on certain national issues find their voice stifled at one stage but the patriots among them always defy these hurdles.
The Peace Council doesn’t care about the serious allegations levelled against the Electoral Commission by the opposition parties? It sees nothing wrong with the NIA’s attempt to suppress votes in the strongholds of the opposition NDC? It sees nothing wrong with the attempts to disenfranchise millions of Ghanaians through this well planned rigging agenda? It sees nothing wrong with the lack of consistency on the part of the electoral commission?. These opportunistic persons and their open biases and dishonesty is doing great disservice to this nation’s growth. The Peace Council doesn’t see anything wrong with the Electoral Commission’s decision to embark on a registration exercise amid the tumult of the coronavirus?
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Trust should be built between all stakeholders to set the election rules, any attempt by the Electoral Commission to collaborate with any of the political parties to rig the election will trigger violence hence the call on the Electoral Commission not to behave in ways which will erode Ghanaians faith and confidence in the Commission. This is unfortunate, and represents yet another challenge to our democracy.
The chairman of the Peace Council is a retired minister of the gospel. Churches are cooperating with government in the covid-19 fight. Religious activities have been suspended and the churches are still joyously cooperating, and he thinks the Electoral Commission’s decision to embark on this dangerous exercise shouldn’t be condemned? What he should know is that, notorious leaders employ a wide variety of tactics to achieve their rigging agenda and that is what we witnessing now. They are constantly shifting tactics. It is the responsibility of the political parties and civil society organizations to conduct their own audits and assessments and challenge any inaccuracies or duplications
“The National Peace Council (NPC) is an independent statutory national peace institution established by the eight hundred and eighteenth (818) Act of the Parliament of the Republic of Ghana, named The National Peace Council Act, 2011. Thus any activity undertaken by the Council must be derived from its mandate under Act 818. The core function of the Council is to prevent, manage, and resolve conflict and to build sustainable peace.”
Is the Commission doing what the Act mandates it to do? We all heard what the chairman said in relation to Charlotte Osei’s issue. When it comes to issue of the Npp, the Peace Council is absolutely on the straight line, when it comes to the opposition, it is completely biased. What the Peace Council should know is that, this institutional capture that is taking place and all the negative effects of it will have consequences in the future. The Peace Council found nothing wrong in the commissioner’s (Bossman Asare) comments he made few months ago when he said the NDC is a threat to our democracy, when he said, the EC will not organise and supervise NDC internal election because the party had complained against certain acts it deemed unacceptable.
Source: Ohenenana Obonti Krow
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