Timber Industry Faces Collapse: Urgent Gov’t Action Needed – Logs Court Director

He noted that the sector was a major export earner, with countries in Europe, Asia, and North America being primary markets for Ghanaian timber.

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Ghana’s once-thriving timber industry is on the brink of collapse due to a myriad of challenges, according to Alhaji Alhassan Ahmed, Director of Log Court Company Ltd.
He stated that this industry has historically been a significant contributor to Ghana’s economy, providing employment, foreign exchange, and essential materials for local industries.
However, Alhaji Ahmed pointed out that in recent years, the sector has faced numerous challenges that have led to the decline and collapse of many timber firms in the country.
He revealed that Ghana’s timber industry thrived due to its abundant forest resources and the establishment of numerous timber firms. “The sector once flourished thanks to the country’s abundant forest resources, establishing timber firms and the strict enforcement of the laws,” he said.
He noted that the sector was a major export earner, with countries in Europe, Asia, and North America being primary markets for Ghanaian timber.
The Director of Log Court Company, however, stated that now the industry’s fortunes have waned due to several interconnected factors.
The Director of Logs Court Company Ltd., Alhaji Alhassan Ahmed, in an exclusive interview with the Daily Democrat newspaper, expressed deep concern over the sector’s decline and called for urgent government intervention to save it.
He was of the view that the primary cause of the timber industry’s decline in Ghana is the overexploitation of forest resources and illegal logging, resulting in a significant reduction in available timber resources.
According to him, despite government efforts to curb illegal activities, the practice remains rampant due to weak law enforcement and corruption.
Mr. Ahmed noted that production costs have become prohibitive, contributing to the demise of many timber firms.
He cited the skyrocketing cost of electricity, labour, taxes, illegal logging, and galamsey activities as factors dragging the industry to its knees.
Ahmed warned that if immediate measures are not implemented before the end of 2024, most timber firms in Ghana will be forced to shut down. He stressed that the collapse of the timber industry is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors but remained hopeful that sustainable solutions could revive and sustain the sector.
In his appeal to the government, Alhaji Ahmed emphasized the need for comprehensive and sustainable measures to address the timber industry’s challenges. He believes that with the right actions, Ghana can protect its natural heritage while fostering economic growth and development.

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