Time to rock your face mask Mr. President
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So, after citizens began to question the essence of an advertising billboard promoting the wearing of face mask with a picture of the president without a mask—the Minister of Information, Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah has tweeted to distance the government involvement and engagement by the Advertising Agency before mounting those billboards.
He added that, although government appreciate anyone who seek to help, they must endeavor to liaise with government going forward for “imaging and messaging”.
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But the question is, do you blame the Advertising Agency for such an error? That is using a picture of the President workout a face mask?
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Is a big NO.
We have asked and question time without number why is the Presdent not wearing face mask? The demand or the call for the President to wear face mask became more relevant when the government made it mandatory for all Ghanaians to wear face mask, yet the president refuse to wear his.
So as a matter of fact, there is no OFFICIAL PICTURE of the President wearing face mask. If you your doubt me google or go through the presidency gallery to see if you will see a good picture of the Presdent wearing face mask.
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Now you see why an agency will put out a billboard to promote the wearing of a face mask without a picture of the president wearing same?
If you look at the tweet of the Information Minister, he said the last public appearance of the president he was wearing a face mask until his speech..what he should have added is that, it was the FIRST and ONLY TIME the president wore his face mask since Ghana recorded her first case.
I am sure if the agency wanted to use the VP picture in a face mask….this conversation wouldn’t have come up and there will be no need for the minister to tweet.
Mr. President, I think it is time now to start wearing your face mask.
Happy Sunday!
Source: Nii Amartei
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