Valerie Sawyer belches again – yuk!
Valerie Sawyer’s repugnant assertion that the blame be apportioned to the Hon Chief of Staff is both out of place and in bad taste.
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Then again, a bloated ego can still cause similar disgust as that emanates from the unholy stomach of the glutton that she seems to be, especially that after Valerie Sawyer’s position in power with John Mahama opened her mouth wider as a hippopotamus’ with a voracious appetite for decaying flora!
She attacked the Honourable Chief of Staff whose integrity is unquestionable. She claimed that former President John Mahama did not receive what was due him and that Madam Frema Osei Opare ought to have a checklist that she must tick with the execution of each item as if she has nothing to do except to watch over a bunch of thieves who ravaged Ghana’s economy during their unfortunate time in office.
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Valerie wants to get her monkeys to invade official premises to climb the trees and perch there. At least, that was the impression I got when I read her belligerent statement. The President is very particular about ensuring that entitlements are paid without hesitation, and regarding the former President, John Dramani Mahama, Akufo-Addo has always extended a hand of friendship that he may bring on board good experience. Unfortunately, John Mahama is never short of ways to scream out his hatred for Akufo-Addo, and if you ask me, the former has nothing to offer in terms of advice since his era saw the worst form of pillaging Ghana has ever experienced under any government!
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Of course, Valerie Sawyer’s repugnant assertion that the blame be apportioned to the Hon Chief of Staff is both out of place and in bad taste. I know that the emoluments of past Presidents were not withheld for any reason, and if there are arrears then they are as a result of the general conditions precedent due to the fallouts from covid- 19 and the Ukrainian war.
Nevertheless, whatever arrears are owed John Mahama, if there are, will be paid as government begins to make strides in its battle to remain above the water. Valerie Sawyer, blinded by the hate campaign that her NDC Party continues to advance against honest people in a bid to paint them unholy, cannot keep the colour of her pants obtruse to tickle the minds of the suitors. That is a bad sign for any lady worth her touted integrity as it leads to nothing but SHAME!
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The inherent penchant by John Mahama and his hounds to speak untruths has long been exposed since the day of the voyaging guinea fowls and the three million trees that were supposed to have been planted somewhere in the forest, eem errr eeem or was it on Mars?
Valerie Sawyer should just shut up and save us the nausea. Honourable Chief of Staff is doing a great job protecting the public purse and will not even so much as bat an eye at the vituperations of “Dr Sawyer”!
Dr? Hmmm ok!
By Fadi Dabbousi
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