We’ve mobilised GHc37 b out of a target of GHc42.5 b-GRA
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The Ghana Revenue Authority has disclosed to the media that it has managed to generate GHc37 billion from taxes out of its target of GHc42.5 billion.
The Commissioner-General of the GRA, Mr. Ammishaddai Owusu-Amoah told the media t
at a press briefing that it will meet its target before the year ends.
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He made the disclosure in response to a question of whether they have managed to meet their target for the year.
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In his response, he said the GRA will put in efforts to meet it’s a target before the year ends.
He said the GRA will continue with its nationwide enforcement activities and a number of distress actions scheduled to take place in the coming weeks to ensure tax compliance.
He said the GRA is mounting roadblocks to check Excise Tax Stamps, VAT invoices on goods being transported and import documents among others.
According to him, the fire outbreak that destroyed their head office annex has not shifted their focus from the goal of maximizing revenue at this crucial time.
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He cautioned taxpayers to submit all their returns since in default be prosecuted.
“Other measures being employed by the Authority to take in more revenue are an intensification of prosecution of defaulting taxpayers. The Authority has also commenced the prosecution of defaulting taxpayers in the national dailies. We are calling on the affected taxpayers to come forward to settle their tax debts and failure to do that will lead to prosecution actions being instigated against them.”
“All returns must be submitted; all payments must be made by due dates. Indeed, all tax transactions must be fulfilled by the due dates.”
The GRA boss said tax revenue in 2019 grew by 12.8% over 2018’s collection.
To address the challenges confronting the GRA, he said his outfit has put in place measures to intensify its tax education and stakeholder engagements, expedite the digitization move to make tax payment convenient and increase registration for Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
Source: Rashid Obodai Provencal||rainbowradioonline.com
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