Why are you not Compiling a New Register for your Parliamentary Primaries – ASEPA to NPP
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Yesterday the General Secretary of the NPP John Boadu announced plans of the Party to open nominations for Parliamentary and Presidential Primaries on January 20.
In his announcement of the modalities for the conduct of the elections which comes off in April, he reiterated that the election was going to be conducted with the current Constituency Voters Register(Photo Album), the same Album that was used in the election of Constituency Executives in 2018 would be handed over to the Electoral Commission to conduct the Parliamentary primaries.
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Now a Political Party who has openly backed the call for a new voters register for the 2020 elections however the consequences did not see the need to compile a new voters register for its internal elections.
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Infact the General Secretary John Boadu claims that the existing Constituency album is most credible for the Parliamentary Primaries because same was used to elect Constituency executives about 2 years ago.
Now here is the double standards, the current National voters register was used for a major national elections less than a month ago(District Assembly Elections), the NPP says it is not credible to be used to conduct the next major elections but their constituency album that was used to conduct their internal elections about 2 years ago is still valid and credible enough to conduct their parliamentary Primaries in April.(what kind of logic is this)
Now I am surprised and you should be as well because all the arguments the NPP has made in support of a new voters register for the 2020 elections also applies to them in the conduct of their internal elections unless they don’t want to conduct a credible internal elections.
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Charity they say begins at home and we must all learn to practise what we preach, if you did not see the need to change your current Constituency register (which has no biometric features and so makes more vulnerable) for your internal elections, then you have absolutely NO business telling us to throw away our National Register(which has biometric features and is less vulnerable to external factors) to compile a new one however your reasons.
The New Register debate has been lost and the NPP has no moral rights to make such calls anymore.
Mensah Thompson
Executive Director, ASEPA
The General Secretary, NPP
All Media Houses
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