Why the President must keep his eyes on the planned attacks on Prof. Naana Opoku Agyemang, Sipa Yankey, Trebarh and three (3) others
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Let people tell the President that the Government will be held responsible for the National Security – planned attacks on Prof. Naana Jane Opoku Agyemang, Dr. George Sipa Yankey, Trebarh and three (3) others.
Your lives must be important to you, your families, political party and the nation. So, take steps to beef up your personal security, manage your travel arrangements, and draw the attention of the International Community.
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To be forewarned is to be prepared for adversity.
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Henceforth, any tragic accident, armed robbery, physical violent attack that happens to Prof. Naana Jane Opoku Agyemang, Sipa Yankey George, Trebarh and three (3) others, the Government and the National Security should be held responsible.
In spite of all the fraudulent manipulations at the Electoral Commission, the arming of vigilante groups, the recruitment of misfits and half-baked persons into the security services for election purposes, the so-called favourable election surveys and polls, the Government and its National Security Agents are desperate, jittery and unsure of the December 7 election outcome.
And Sources in the National Security say rogue elements in the Security Services want to do the President, and Candiidate in the December 7 election a favour by doing the unthinkable: Use the spate of armed robberies; fatal road accidents among politicians; and lethal weapon attacks on Citizens, as smokescreens to eliminate persons deemed critical to the changing fortunes and dwindiing hopes of the Government.
I repeat. Prof. Naana Jane Opoku Agyemang is a target. Sipa George Yankey is a target. Trebarh and three (3) others are marked targets.
I repeat: Should any attacks be unleashed on any or all of them, the Government of Ghana and the National Security should be held responsible.
Sources in the National Security who participate in those macabre discussions and sordid planning schemes are singing.
When a careless Security Boss wreaks havoc on a Security organisation, destroying unity, disgusting operatives to the point where they look for an escape from the turmoil, they begin to sing and/or bide their time till they can escape.
Throughout Ghana’s political history, people who carry “bad news” have flinched from deliverying it for fear of losing their lives or at least their jobs in the process.
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However, some patriotic elements in the National Security want to catch the eyes of the President to tell him of the fiendish plans of National Security to unleash atracks on the NDC Vice Presidential Candidate, the noted quiet FIXER Sipa George Yankey, Trebarh and three (3) others.
The reliable sources say powerful listening devices are used to listen in to conversations, plans and operations of leading Opposition figures.
Curiously, the Opposition figures are said to be so naive as to believe that by sweeping their meeting places they are okay to say anything and are quite unaware of the existing superior listening devices in use.
In their naivety, the Opposition elements carry to their meetings gadgets which provide traceable electromagnetic emissions.
And they assume that when they switch off their “radar,” the National Security “submarines” could not pick their locations from their electromagnetic emissions.

Reliable sources in the Security Services confirm that from 26th October, 2020, some 1780 Potential Army Recruits will assemble at the Nicholson Stadium, Burma Camp, for COVID-19 screen tests and movement of instructors and recruits to the following training centres:
(1). Army Recruits Training School (ARTS), Shai Hills — 720 Recruits
(2). Jungle Warefare Training School (JWS), Achiase— 200 Recruits.
(3). Airforce Recruits Training School (AFRTS), Takoradi— 300 Recruits
(4).Daboya Training Camp (DTC)‐— 360 Recruits.
(5). Armour Training School (ATS), Sunyani—- 200 Recruits.
By Colonel Morkeh Korsah (Rtd)
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