Your Comments on Dumsor is Not Befitting of a Vice Presidential Candidate – NDC Activist tells NAPO

"This will go a long way to question Dr. Bawumia's credibility if he is considered for this respectable position," Bedzra asserted,

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In the midst of ongoing debates about the government’s handling of the power supply crisis, commonly referred to as “dumsor,” the Minister of Energy, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, has come under fire for his recent comments.

Dr. Prempeh’s remark, “Let those who want the timetable bring it,” has sparked controversy, with critics arguing that such statements are unbecoming of a potential vice-presidential candidate.

Oscar Bedzra, an activist with the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), voiced his disapproval during an interview on Takoradi based KYZZ FM, said his sources have revealed that the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) is considering Dr. Prempeh as the running mate for their presidential candidate, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, in the upcoming elections. He expressed concerns over this possibility, stating, “If this information is true, it is highly unbecoming for a would-be Vice Presidential candidate like Hon. Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh.”

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Bedzra emphasized that the role of a vice-presidential candidate demands careful and measured communication. He argued that Dr. Prempeh’s recent comments could damage Dr. Bawumia’s credibility if he is indeed selected for the vice-presidential slot. “This will go a long way to question Dr. Bawumia’s credibility if he is considered for this respectable position,” Bedzra asserted, adding that such utterances could significantly impact the ruling party’s chances in the upcoming December elections.

The NPP has yet to officially confirm Dr. Prempeh as their vice-presidential candidate. However, the controversy surrounding his comments on the dumsor timetable continues to fuel discussions about the party’s internal decision-making and its potential implications for the electoral race against the NDC’s John Dramani Mahama and Professor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang.

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