Don’t put yourself out but look up to Jesus – Pastor urges Christians
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Pastor Osby of the City Temple International Ministries has advised Christians to desist from putting themselves out in their periods of hopelessness. Rather, they should look up to Jesus, the way maker in such trying moments.
He pointed out that the way maker can make a way where there is no way just as he did for the Israelites when they were torn in between the Egyptians and the Red Sea.
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He stated that in such trying times one only has to remain firm and resolute and look up to God for his salvation as Moses urged the Israelites at that moment via his advice as captured in Exodus 14:13.
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Pastor Osby a.k.a Osei Boafo, who is the Resident Pastor of the Reckhan Assembly of the Freedom Centre of the Ministries in the United Kingdom, gave this advice in a sermon in the Church’s auditorium at Tantra Hill in Accra last Sunday, May 16, 2021.
In a rather moving and powerful sermon which attracted applause from his audience, he pointed out further that Jesus the way maker, who’s other name is Possibility, is able to turn the impossible to be possible.
He told his audience that it was in this vein that Jesus caused the rock at Lazarus tomb to be rolled out before bringing him back to life after having been buried for four (4) days.
“Fix your eyes on Jesus whose name is above all things and, at the mention of which all knees must bow and all tongues must confess that Jesus is Lord! Remove your eyes from man, but turn to God for his salvation as did King Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20:3”, he stressed.
The biblically well – vexed Pastor Osby, was however quick to point out that in such difficult situations, one has to totally submit and surrender himself to Jesus before he can get His salvation.
This, he noted, required one to go through the due process as Jesus did before attaining the ultimate; since without this, one cannot get to his intended decision.
On sacrifices, he mentioned Isaac’s intended blessing for Esseu which was to be preceded by a sacrifice. But even then this blessing was stolen by Jacob with its consequences thereafter. In the same vein if one does not sacrifice appropriately, he cannot see God’s salvation.
A charged Pastor Osby charged Christians not to give up upon themselves under any circumstances, especially, in respect of what he termed as delayed or wasted opportunities. He said that such situations should be tolerated with hope in the Lord who can make restorations miraculously.
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Citing Psalm 30:5, he noted that in God’s view, restoration mean multiplication, and that no wasted or delayed opportunities existed, provided the sufferer could endure it with perseverance, hope and trust in the Lord.
Pastor Osby pointed out that in such situations, God could be preparing bigger things for the sufferer citing a race between a TICO car and a Rolls Royce, with the TICO taking the lead hours before the Rolls Royce starts! “The first, shall be last, and the last shall be first!” he declared amidst cheers and applauses from his audience. He also mentioned the situation of Job, stressing that there is always a turnaround in all seeming bad situations.
According to Pastor Osby, he has flown down to Ghana to help grow the Ghanaian ministries of the City Tempo International under the auspices of the Universal Prayer Group (UPG).
Founded by Dr. Rev. Sampson Boafo, who happens to be the biological father of Pastor Osby, he stated that he had been here for the past three months in this respect. And so far, they had done well and were looking up to God, he told this reporter later in an interview.
Wonderful Word!
Having apparently been moved and touched by Pastor Osby’s powerful sermon, founder of the UPG, Hon S.K. Boafo remarked, “wonderful word!” after the sermon when he mounted the Altar to give his closing remarks and benediction.
He told congregants that covid-19 was still prevalent. He subsequently advised all to adhere to its protocols, which are perfectly observed in the church.
The founder said he was bent on bringing on board a number of innovations to make the church, not only interesting but also appealing and attractive. This included harnessing the abundant talents in the church.
Hon. S.K Boafo was the first Chief Whip of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) while in opposition in Parliament in the First Republic of Parliament. He was then the M.P for Subin when the N.P.P won power under President J.A Kufour. He served as the Minister for Chieftaincy and Regions Affairs. Later he served as the Ashante Regional Minister.
A man of many parts, he is also a legal Practitioner and consultant, having practiced for a long time. Currently his chambers, “S.K Boafo chambers” is at Dzorwulu in Accra.
By S. O. Ankamah
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