2022 HWPL Peace Educator Empowerment Training to be Conducted From April

HWPL started its peace education initiative in December 2015 and has signed MOAs and MOUs with Ministries of Education and schools, implementing peace education worldwide
2022 HWPL Peace Educator Empowerment Training to be Conducted From April

The Africa team from the Southern Seoul & Gyeonggi Branch of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light(HWPL) will conduct the “HWPL Peace Educator Empowerment Training” every Saturday from April 9th to May 28th, 2022, 8 weeks in total.

HWPL started its peace education initiative in December 2015 and has signed MOAs and MOUs with Ministries of Education and schools, implementing peace education worldwide.

Last year in 2021, the Africa team got together with various African NGOs, academic institutions, media, etc., to establish a practical initiative for peace. Through a series of fruitful meetings, the initiative to conduct the “HWPL Peace Educator Empowerment Training” and nurture peace educators that can spread the seed of peace was set forth.

Through this program, a total of 235 participants graduated last year. 115 of them were also officially appointed as HWPL Peace Educators. With this, 101 sessions of peace education were conducted in 49 organizations and institutions. In Nigeria, HWPL peace education reached out to as many as 13 states (out of the 37 states).

HWPL peace educators who led peace education in classes were surprised to discover the positive changes in the students’ values. Not only did it influence the students, but it also helped the peace educators to experience positive change in their values. Subsequently, HWPL has received numerous requests to deliver the “HWPL Peace Educator Empowerment Training” once more with promises to recommend more candidates for the program.

Any member of an organization (eg. NGOs, education institutions, media, youth organizations, religious organizations), who can implement peace education to the public with a devoted heart for peace, can apply for the upcoming “2022 HWPL Peace Educator Empowerment Training” from 14th of Mar to 2nd of Apr with a recommendation from his or her representative.

Prospective candidates can apply for the program through the link below.


academic institutionsAfrican NGOsAprilEmpowermentHWPLMediaPeace Educatortraining