
Advertise on is just not a website, it represents what daily happens in Ghana with constant updates of news, opinions and information related to Ghana. Ghananewsonline is simply anything and everything Ghana.

Traffic Statistics

  • One of the most popular websites in Ghana
  • Over 3 million pageviews per month
  • Over 1 million unique visitors per month, 10,000 uniques per day
  • 45 % traffic from Ghana, 55 % diaspora traffic (USA, UK, Canada, Germany, etc)

Advertising options

  • 728×90 pixels leaderboard, 300×600 pixels wide-banner, 300×250 pixels rectangle, take-over
  • CPM, CPC and fixed placements
  • geographical targetting
  • targetting by section (news, business, sports, entertainment)


Advertising on starts at $200.