2024 Ghana Elections: CODEO Commends Credible and Transparent Process

The 2024 elections have reaffirmed Ghana’s commitment to democratic principles. Despite minor setbacks, the robust electoral process has maintained the integrity and trust of the nation. CODEO’s observations highlight the collective effort of election officials, security personnel, and stakeholders in ensuring a credible and peaceful election.
2024 Ghana Elections: CODEO Commends Credible and Transparent Process

The Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) has lauded the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections in Ghana as largely credible and transparent. The polls, held on December 7, adhered to Ghana’s electoral laws and procedures despite isolated challenges, marking a significant milestone for the country’s democratic governance.

Polling Station Operations

A Co-Chair of CODEO’s Advisory Board, Rev. Fred Deegbe, explained that, CODEO’s findings indicated that the elections began with polling officials present at 85% of polling stations by 6:00 am. However, logistical delays led to only 66% of stations opening on time. An additional 31% opened between 7:16 AM and 8:00 am, while 4% experienced further delays due to late arrival of materials or staff.

In terms of staffing, he said 90% of polling stations met the minimum requirement of five election officials, although the absence of women among election teams was noted at 6% of the stations. Accessibility issues persisted, with 6% of polling stations posing challenges for elderly voters and persons with disabilities. Despite these shortcomings, 98% of polling stations ensured voter privacy while marking ballots.

Smooth Voting Process

It was observed that the voting process proceeded smoothly in most areas, with critical materials such as ballot papers and biometric verification devices available at all polling stations. Although 13% of biometric devices malfunctioned, these issues were promptly addressed, ensuring minimal disruption.

“Priority voting provisions were widely implemented, enabling elderly voters, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and persons with disabilities to vote easily in 98% of polling stations. In cases of biometric failures, 32% of stations resorted to manual verification, ensuring no voter was disenfranchised.

“Security at polling stations was effective, with personnel present at 90% of locations. Reflecting a calm voting environment, 78% of security officials were unarmed.”

Transparent Counting and Results Announcement 

The vote counting process was transparent, with 97% of polling stations reporting no harassment or intimidation. Observers and party agents were allowed to witness the count, and unauthorized individuals were restricted in 99% of polling stations.

After counting, 89% of polling stations displayed results publicly, enhancing transparency. Minor errors in result sheets were recorded in 10% of polling stations but were swiftly corrected. Accountability was further bolstered as presiding officers and party agents signed result sheets at 98% of polling stations.

CODEO’s Projections and Conclusion 

CODEO employed its Parallel Vote Tabulation (PVT) methodology across 1,500 representative polling stations, confirming the credibility of the election process. The findings validate the Electoral Commission’s arrangements from setup to vote counting as generally adequate and trustworthy.

While CODEO plans to release detailed PVT projections for the presidential results following the Electoral Commission’s official announcement, the preliminary report underscores the confidence of voters and stakeholders in the electoral process.

Democracy in Action 

The 2024 elections have reaffirmed Ghana’s commitment to democratic principles. Despite minor setbacks, the robust electoral process has maintained the integrity and trust of the nation. CODEO’s observations highlight the collective effort of election officials, security personnel, and stakeholders in ensuring a credible and peaceful election.

Source: ghananewsonline.com.gh

2024 Ghana ElectionsCODEOcredibleFred DeegbeTransparent Process