2024 mid-year budget shows NPP is on its way to opposition – Ato Forson

Dr. Ato Forson’s comments came after Finance Minister Dr. Amin Adam presented the review on Tuesday, July 23, highlighting the government’s efforts to reverse negative economic trends and rein in expenditures.

Leader of the Minority in Parliament, Dr. Cassiel Ato Baah Forson, has asserted that the fallout from the 2024 Mid-Year Budget presented by the Finance Minister indicates the NPP’s impending transition to opposition.

The leader noted that the Finance Minister’s refusal to ease the burden on Ghanaians through the budget was a missed opportunity, indicating that the ruling administration is on its way to opposition.

Dr. Ato Forson’s comments came after Finance Minister Dr. Amin Adam presented the review on Tuesday, July 23, highlighting the government’s efforts to reverse negative economic trends and rein in expenditures.

According to the Minister, Ghana’s current debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) stands at GH¢742 billion (US$50.9 billion) as of June, representing 70.6% of GDP. He, however, assured that government was living within its budget.

Addressing the floor after the presentation, the Minority Leader indicated that Ghanaians expected the government to abolish some taxes which it failed, saying that was a missed opportunity on the part of the government.

COVID levy, E-levy, emission levy, borla tax, amongst others, were part of the taxes Dr. Ato Forson said Ghanaians expected to be abolished to ease the burden on businesses and citizens.

He described the review as a “missed opportunity” lacking new policies and ideas, and referenced the majority caucus jubilation song ‘abamu awie‘ saying they are now “on their way to opposition.”

“At the very least Ghanaians expected that this mid-year review would have removed or abolished a number of taxes that has made Ghana a high tax regime to the extent that businesses are moving out of the country and the ordinary Ghanaian is actually leaving the shores of this country. For example example COVID levy, E-levy, ‘Borla’ tax, tax on domestic electricity, emission levy.

“Mr. Speaker this is a missed opportunity. Mr. Speaker instead the minister did not announce one single new policy. The minister did not introduce new ideas. Mr. Speaker unfortunately Ghana is on autopilot, and our economy is on autopilot…All what I want to tell them, they are bereft of new ideas and I’m happy that they sang’ ‘abamu awie’, you are on your way to opposition,” he said on the floor.


Dr Cassiel Ato Baah ForsonGDPMinorityopposition