A Birthday Wish to Dr Bawumia

The agenda was to fight an all-out persuasion to bring the President, then flagbearer of the NPP, to power, then fall back into the ranks of the massive support for Dr Bawumia.

Sometimes, allegiance comes from an intrinsic motivation fuelled by the intrigue of a person ordained to be a great leader. When a mysterious energy is guiding you towards the path of making Ghana great again, building on the solid blocks of this government, especially when it was in the grips of an unfaithful bunch of insidious bandits like the NDC, huddled up under a tattered and torn umbrella with the totem of a vulture head sniffing the air for foul corruption to eat into, then you must realise that you are being propelled into a realm, sinister as it may be, to rid Ghana off the most colossal hypocrisy neo-history has ever recorded in its annals; that being John Mahama and his assigns!

And so it was! My love and respect for His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, fortified by my belief in his abilities, surpassed all other considerations because I had that unshakable faith in his hatred for corruption, and the simplicity of his life. Until you know who he is, you will never know the privilege Ghanaians have had in honouring him with leading them for two difficult terms. Why difficult? Well, leading a nation that has disoriented NDC goons and their pull-him-down affiliates in it is a challenge not nearly easier than walking on the moon! That said, it must be emphasised that majority of Ghanaians now know that governance is immeasurably better in the hands of the NPP than in the looo-oooo-ooo-ng hands of the thieving narcissists led by John Mahama!

Anyway, long story short, after deliberating on his emphasis to bring Dr Mahmoud Bawumia to partner him as his running mate, three consecutive times, I came to the realisation that Nana Akufo-Addo was being led by divine guidance. And how wise of him it was, I thought.  Someone I relate to in many dimensions, not by blood connections I pray to say lest birdbrains spin unholy stories, I did not waste time giving him my allegiance albeit it was, conditionally, in advance of a post Akufo-Addo government. The agenda was to fight an all-out persuasion to bring the President, then flagbearer of the NPP, to power, then fall back into the ranks of the massive support for Dr Bawumia.

Dear Dr Bawumia, may ALLAH raise you to the very top, and make you the exemplary and shining star of the Umma, “Naawuni tahama tooni. Kacheka anye Furila nti sokam! On this day, may I remind you of my allegiance to you and the story that shaped your being! By default of our shared faith, and the incontrovertible fact that you are an ace tactician as the king of digitalisation, innovation, and every good “…..ation” without prejudice to the foresight of His Excellency the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, who was guided by ALLAH to choose you, I wish you the best of your upcoming Presidency!

It cannot be a string of good luck that brought you to where you are today, and it cannot be by chance that you will be President in January 2025, in shaa ALLAH; very unlike the case of sheer serendipity of John Dramani Mahama of the NDC, who could do no better than leave us in perpetual darkness for over four dark years, and his chronic itch to insult Ghanaians with unholy invectives like, “ya wi nnam aka dompe…to wit, we have chewed all the meat leaving just the bones,” as his response to pressure mounted on him by Ghanaians to account for his abysmal performance, and, of course, his signature insult, “baloney”, among a host of indifferent diction, not forgetting the cynical akonfem, “guinea fowl” sarcasm, having flown them to Burkina Faso to forage! NDC…NEVER AGAIN!

Now, let it be said that you have been the finest and most impactful Vice President Ghana has ever had. In shaa ALLAH, too, your Presidency will be unique in its own nuance just Like Nana Akufo-Addo’s positive governance, an indelible phase in the history of our great nation. Being the fallible beings that we are, it is the greatness of your policies, social interventions, humility, and loyalty to Ghana’s voters that will carry the day for you, or any President for that matter. Nana Akufo-Addo, in my candid opinion, has passed the test in spite of the humongous challenges he faced. You, also, will pass the test with flying colours, GOD willing. I am proud to be associated with the #BawumiaEffect!

Happy Birthday my brother, my Boss!

By Fadi Dabbousi


A BirthdayBawumiabirdbrainsNana Akufo-AddoNDCNPP