A Group Hits Back At GJA For Trying To Silence Captain Smart For Speàking The Truth

The group in a press release, stated emphatically that, its rather hypocritical and unfortunate for GJA to kwotow to the caprice of tainting its image by calling the Onua TV to deal with it’s host.

A group calling itself Caucus For Mature Democrats (CMD) has raised red flags over the attempt by the Ghana Journalist Association (GJA) and other media institutions to silence the good work of Onua TV Morning Show Host,  Captain Smart for speaking bathing bit the truth.

The group in a press release, stated emphatically that, its rather hypocritical and unfortunate for GJA to kwotow to the caprice of tainting its image by calling the Onua TV to deal with it’s host.

The Executive Secretary of the group, Baba Iddrisu asked the GJA of the crime been committed by Captain Smart.

Read full statement of the release:



FRI 19 JUL 24.


The Caucus has monitored on Northern Television Station where GJA chastised Captain Smart of ONUA FM belonging to media General and heartlessly calling for his media group to punish him. This is very unfortunate and hypocritical for a reputable institution like the GJA to stoop this low behaving such hypocritically.

What is the offence of Captain Smart?

In the recent past, we all heard Captain Smart alleged on radio and some TV stations that the former president John Dramani Mahama used taxpayers money to purchase a hotel in Dubai.

Until recently when he went on a FACT FINDING MISSION in Dubai and realised that he was misled by some members of the ruling npp to use it in campaign against former president John Mahama and NDC. That clearly contributed immensely for nana addo and npp to come to power in 2016 since Ghanaians believed it was true then.

Realising it was false, he recently apologised to former president John Mahama for his inability to FACT-CHECK the allegations before trumpeting it in the media against JM and NDC before the 2016 general elections.

The question of the Caucus is that, Where was the GJA when Captain Smart raised that same allegation against former president John Mahama and NDC?

Why didn’t they organise this same press conference then, to chastise Captain Smart for peddling falsehoods without evidence or what has suddenly changed today?

We are saddened by this attempt by the GJA to gag some journalists who have eventually seen the plain truth and want to TRUMPET it for the good people of Ghana, just to be able to make VERY INFORMED DECISIONS come 7th December, 2024 general elections. So what is wrong about that?

The Caucus would not hesitate to caution the GJA to be very mindful and balanced in the execution of their mandate as the FOURTH POWER HOUSE in informing and educating the citizens of the Republic of Ghana in truth and in all honesty.

People must be very free to express their revulsion for our collapsed junk economy where we are being pushed into not being able to service our interest on our own debts, not to talk about paying the debts itself freely without being GAGGED like GJA seek to do to Captain Smart.

We are indeed very disappointed in how unfair the GJA is on this matter and advise them to live up to their mandate devoid of hypocrisy and partiality because we have only One Ghana and there is no Ghanaian who is better than the other, no matter the region one come from, the tribe or language one speaks.

We advise GJA to be very well guided knowing that Ghana and the laws of the state are made for compliance of all the citizenry, to the extent that, nobody is above the law including any president of the state at any given point in time.

Thank you


Captain SmartCaucus For Mature Democratsgja