Advertising Alcoholic Beverages: VALD, GhNCDA speak after Supreme Court Verdict on the Writ against the FDA

It’s obvious that this decision and other interventions such as awareness campaign and tax increase on alcohol products will to a large extent reduce the upsurge in non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke, kidney, liver, heart diseases and other cardiovascular and chronic diseases.

First and foremost, we give all the thanks to almighty God for this public health victory.

The Civil Society Actors in the health and development sectors thank the imminent panel of Judges who stood for public health interest over commercial interest of few individuals. We are grateful for supporting the interest of Ghanaian children, the youth, poor and vulnerable from the harm of alcohol use and exposure to alcohol products.

In the pursuit of safeguarding the health and well-being of our nation’s children and youth, today marks a pivotal moment as we celebrate the verdict by the apex court in the case challenging the authority of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) over celebrity endorsements of alcohol advertisement. We stand at the forefront of a critical battle, one that juxtaposes predatory commercial exploitation against the fundamental rights of our children.

The evidence presented throughout this trial has illuminated the dire consequences of unchecked alcohol marketing, particularly when facilitated by high-profile figures or celebrities. From the corridors of UNICEF to the pages of The Lancet, the global consensus is clear: the proliferation of alcohol promotion, especially among impressionable young minds, poses an imminent threat to public health and societal well-being.

Every decision to drink alcohol will be influenced, at least partly, by some form of marketing. The influx of high-profile mass media advertising and digital marketing of alcohol triggers purchases that consumers did not set out intending to make. But when it comes to young people and children, evidence is overwhelming that alcohol marketing is linked with starting to drink and excessive drinking.

The alcohol industry documents show how their campaigns are carefully curated to tie alcohol to a sense of belonging, coolness, attractiveness, masculinity and femininity. The alcohol industry says their marketing does not deliberately target young people but truth is children are their target audience because of how easy it is to sway them with glamorizing and attractive items by tactically involving celebrities who they look up to, so they intend capitalize on that opportunity to maximize profit at the expense of public health.

It’s obvious that this decision and other interventions such as awareness campaign and tax increase on alcohol products will to a large extent reduce the upsurge in non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke, kidney, liver, heart diseases and other cardiovascular and chronic diseases. It will also reduce the health expenditure and the burden on the national health insurance scheme.

Ghana has taken a bold stance in implementing regulations aimed at shielding our youth from the harmful allure of celebrity-endorsed alcohol. The ban on such promotions, enforced by the FDA, stands as a testament to our commitment to prioritizing the welfare of our future generations over commercial interests.

By this verdict, we reaffirm our unwavering dedication to upholding these vital protections. We refuse to succumb to the pressures of profit-driven agendas that jeopardize the health and prosperity of our nation.

In the face of adversity, we call upon all stakeholders – government, civil society, media, academic and research institutions, patient affected by alcohol use, religious and community groups including the well-known personalities and celebrities – to unite in safeguarding our youth from the perils of alcohol marketing. Let us stand as beacons of responsibility, guiding our children towards a future defined by health, opportunity, and empowerment.

Together, let us forge ahead, emboldened by the principles of child rights, health, and development. Our victory today transcends the confines of a courtroom – it resonates as a resounding declaration of our unwavering commitment to the well-being of our nation’s youth.

This landmark verdict by Ghana’s Supreme Court will serve as a case citation for other countries when formulating public health policies regarding alcohol use and other health harming products such as tobacco and sugar drinks.  The global public health community has followed this case with express interest and this ruling will go into the annals of history.

It is important for our celebrities to note the following:

  • Alcohol consumption has far-reaching consequences, affecting individuals, families, and communities. As influential figures, we believe you can play a pivotal role in shaping public opinion and behavior. Alcohol consumption contributes to health issues, addiction, poverty, industrial accidents and road traffic crashes. By abstaining from alcohol endorsements, celebrities can promote healthier lifestyles.
  • Young people idolize celebrities. When stars endorse alcohol, it sends the wrong message. Let’s encourage them to be positive role models. Celebrities have a social responsibility to use their influence for the greater good. Rejecting alcohol ads aligns with this responsibility.
  • Celebrities, we invite you to stand with us. Say no to alcohol endorsements and use your platform to advocate for healthier choices that will improve the health and wellbeing of present and future generations. Use your social media channels to educate followers about the risks of alcohol consumption.
  • Celebrities, your voice matters. Let’s create a world where alcohol isn’t glamorized, but health, well-being, and positive choices take center stage.
  • We salute the section of celebrities who openly supported the FDA’s position to ban well-known celebrities from alcohol harm.

As you may be aware WHO recently declared that No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health, it further states that “it is the alcohol that causes harm, not the beverage”.

Alcohol is a toxic, psychoactive, and dependence-producing substance and has been classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer decades ago.

By restricting the influence of celebrity endorsements on alcohol consumption, the decision aims to reduce the appeal of alcohol to vulnerable populations, particularly young people.. This outcome underscores the importance of regulatory actions that protect public health by limiting the power of marketing strategies that can lead to harmful behaviors. Let us continue to fight to esteem public health over the parochial interest of the alcohol industry and other health harming industry products such as tobacco, sugar sweetened beverages among others.

Thank you.

Labram Musah

Executive Director of Programs, Vision for Alternative Development, Ghana

National Coordinator: Ghana NCD Alliance



For more information and interviews, contact

Rhoda Mingle

Communications Officer





Advertising Alcoholic BeveragescelebritiesFDAPublic HealthSupreme CourtVerdictwrit