Akufo-Addo boos potentially threaten National Security and Stability

An Owula Mangortey observation...
Akufo-Addo boos potentially threaten National Security and Stability


Sections of Ghanaian voters have “buyer’s remorse” over Akufo-Addo, and they have resorted to booing him publicly.

Similarly in the early 1970s, Kaneshie market women resorted to booing Prime Minister Busia, morning and evening, as he commuted between his Odorkor residence and his office. Their booing of Busia became a threat to National Security and Stability.

There is barely a cigarette paper between Busia and Akufo-Addo.

Listen to the boos against Akufo-Addo. They potentially threaten National Security and Stability.

Owula Mangortey
23rd October, 2022

BusiaNational SecurityNPPPotentialpresident Akufo-AddoStabilitythreatsTradersWomen