Akufo-Addo’s Governance is as hollow as his promises

Akufo-Addo’s Governance is as hollow as his promises

Mr President,

The story the last three years is one of missed opportunities and dashed hopes, of waiting for economic comfort that never came, of seeing expectations raised to the heights by lofty rhetoric only to come crashing down in the face of depressing reality. Your governance is as hollow as your promises. After three and half years, you have become a prime example of a leader who may be good at winning election through lies and deceptions, but whose governance is as hollow as his promises.

Mr President, years of your government is a sad story of governance, and accountability failure and the most traumatic and devastating for the Ghanaian youth, farmers, traders and every institution in the country. A government which does not believe in inclusive growth and is only worried about its political existence at the altar of disharmony should be immediately shown the exit and that is exactly what Ghanaians are going to do come the next election.

In the past three years the stench of corruption has peaked to unimaginable proportion and there is a definite collusion of your appointees and scammers.

Mr President, our socio- political ambience has lost cohesiveness. Ghanaians are fed up with the daily loud rhetoric of cosmetic change. There is a deep despair and disillusionment amongst the masses. People have made up their minds to reject you and your party so that the future of Ghana is safe and secure.

Mr President, let us be honest: even in the farthest of our dreams, we will not expect anything good from your government. We are unable to request you to adhere to the constitutional values since you have endorsed our conviction that you and your party do not believe in the ideology of the constitution. My letter, therefore, is not an appeal, but it is an expression of disgust, fear and anxiety and if your government can just carry on, with its typical pattern of indifference to our daily struggles and aggression towards dissent, then we realise that we need to reclaim the freedom, which you’ve taken away from us.

Mr President, we have lost the Ghana which we were given with all its imperfections, yet the one about which we had dreams, with the device of the constitution. You are now robbing us of that constitution as well. Your government has labelled every rational Ghanaian who disagrees with it as doomsayer. It has harassed and harassing its political opponents and even genuine and dedicated activists who sacrificed their lives for the cause of the downtrodden.

When you came to power in Ghana, expectations were high. Your ascent with the country’s conservative Npp had been dramatic, earning you admirers and detractors in equal measure. The victims of your lies, deceits and fake promises hoped hoped they were going to witness massive transformation across all sectors. This isn’t exactly how things have panned out. Your supporters who believed you would fast track progress are instead seeing the predictions of your detractors come true: Ghana increasingly influenced by divisive tendencies and where, alarmingly, harassment of political opponent and bastardisation of state institutions is on the rise.

Mr President, kindly and quietly, ask yourself what you promised at the onset. An end to corruption, better education, make Accra the cleanest city in Africa, open up staid government run enterprises to private companies and a friendlier investment climate, end borrowing, stabilise the cedi, build 350 new secondary schools, move the economy to an enviable level. Businesses are collapsing under your watch, unemployment rate has doubled, we witnessing potential economic fallout and the country’s social troubles.

The country’s economy is in dire straits yet, we hear all kinds of beautiful economic figures emanating from your finance ministry and other state agencies. Ghanaians are fed up with the daily rhetoric,lies and empty talks by your government and there is an undercurrent against this illusion and self aggrandizement if you don’t know. Your government’s record on national security is dismal as incidents of killing, maiming, abduction, torture and harassment of innocent Ghanaians who express dissent have seen a quantum jump. National security was an area that brought out the most bombastic pronouncements in the election campaign. It has witnessed the most palpable failures. Division and hate have become synonymous with your party and government and they thrive on societal fissures.

Mr President, thank you for addressing the nation on the coronavirus menace. But the truth is that your administration is more dangerous that the coronavirus. I am not going to delve into your excessively indiscreet and vainglorious rhetoric on the coronavirus menace. The excesses of your vigilante groups and those hoodlums recruited into our security agencies and your lynchers, the purchase of political loyalties by rampant financial corruption and the subversion of state institutions to serve a narrow political agenda, are more deadlier than the coronavirus.

Mr President, hope you’ve seen pictures of the so called modern dams you claimed have constructed in the northern part of the country. Our international airport (Kotoka) has just won an international award as a result of the construction of the terminal 3- hope you’ve been briefed on these latest developments. The country and its people are tired of your corrupt and scam infested regime.

Mr President, one thing is for sure- you party, leaders and government have not been successful in giving the nation what you promised. All that you seem to be concerned about is the opposition blunders and blaming your predecessor for your self inflicted woes. Ghanaians did give a chance to you to fulfill your numerous promises, but instead, you are seen deteriorating their situation, blaming your predecessor, amassing wealth, looting state funds, dividing the country on political lines, bastardizing state institutions, muzzling the media and wasting state funds on useless travels across the globe. At a time when the nation’s basic infrastructure, transportation mechanism etc is inept enough to meet the entire population’s expectations, you are wasting billions of cedis on new biometric machines to enable you rig the coming election.

Quite sensibly, Ghanaians have started questioning your governance, and your fake charm has faded.

Source: Ohenenana Obonti Krow 
