AMA-BIGRS Donates New Speed Detection Devices To Police MTTD

The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) in partnership with the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) has presented six newly acquired speed detection devices, Laser Cam 4 to the Accra Central Motor, Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service to enforce laws on speed limits in Accra.

The LaserCam 4 is a fourth-generation hand-held video camera with an ability to capture multiple motorists who violate the speed limit at a go and offers greater range to target, faster acquisition time, and image resolution of plates at longer distances providing a comprehensive video record of Speed Enforcement and target tracking history.

The Metropolitan Chief Executive of Accra, Mohammed Adjei Sowah who presented the speed gun to the Police at a brief ceremony in Accra on Thursday said out of every 100 vehicles on the roads, 77 per cent of them over speed and the most affected were the ages between 15 and 29.

He noted that the latest equipment had the capacity to capture 60 vehicles per second presenting irrefutable video evidence to prosecute motorist who disregard the posted speed limits.

“Just about a month ago, we launched the mass media campaign on road safety but we believe that to change people’s attitude, education, should be complemented with enforcement and we are hopeful the presentation of these laser cam4 speed tracking device would help the police in enforcing speed limits in Accra in order to reduce the crashes and fatalities, ” he said.

He called on the police to enforce the road traffic regulations without any fear or favour.

The Commander of Accra Central Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Anderson Fosu Ackaah who received the devices, expressed his appreciation to the AMA-BIGRS and its partners for their efforts in ensuring safety on our roads.

He disclosed that some routes had been mapped out for the police to enforce the laws on speeding.

“People are dying on our roads everyday but because they are far away from us and we read it in the newspapers or watch it on the television so you think you cannot be a victim. Come and see the statistics in my office pertaining to deaths and injuries, you will be surprised and you will understand why people are dying,” he added.

ACP Ackaah assured that the devices would be put to good use and warned motorists to drive within the posted speed limits and observe all road signs in the city.


Anderson Fosu AckaahBIGRSDVLAGlobal Road SafetyMohammed Adjei SowahMTTD