Amansaman Road Side Traders Sabotage New Market

… As Assemblies Look on Unconcerned

But for the activities of road side traders at Amansaman, the newly constructed Pokuase-Amasan New Market would have made a giant stride in its Eight months existence, as it can now boast of over 800 hundred traders.

However, the activities of these road sides traders is not only negatively impacting on trade in the New market, but also sabotaging it to a great extent, as most of the road side traders have also acquired plots in the new market.

“Their failure to move to the new market, and instead trade by the road side is a great sabotage to the new makers,” stated Philip Kwaku Asante, and Sabina Dodoo, Secretary and Treasurer respectively to the Market. They were speaking in an exclusive interview with on Saturday April, 2023.

According to officials, many reports have been made to the two Assemblies in whose jurisdiction the market is placed for action – the Ga West and Ga North,  but their reports have gained stone silence from these Assemblies for very obvious reasons.

Police Join the Frey

According to the market officials, they have also made reports to the police to help them get rid of the road side traders, but they too, like the Assemblies are also looking on hapless, for same obvious beneficial reasons and consideration as well.

We gathered further that as a result of this, road traders have gotten a field day, doing brisk business to the very disadvantage and sabotage of the new market.

Prospects of New Market.

The market officials noted that the New market is full of prospect, because since its establishment in October last year, membership has moved sharply from 200 to over 800 as at April this year with traders trooping in by the day for allotment of space. They were quick to point out that if the traders who have acquired allotments in the market but are still trading by the road side do not take care, their allotments would be given out to other serious traders as they keep on pouring in with each passing day.

They indicated that the new market has allotment for the sale of all items and that as at now, the place occupies about Four acres of land and they are looking up to extend it to about 20 acres.

Madam Sabina indicated that though traders at the market have increased in numbers, buying and selling there is on the low side as a result of the activities of these road sellers. She subsequently appealed to sympathizing agents for assistance in this regard.

By S.O Ankamah























AmansamanNew MarketPhilip Kwaku AsanteRoad Side TradersSabina DodooSabotage