Ambassador’s of States Solidarise with Palestine

Palestinian Ambassador called on Israel to sit with the Palestinian leaders and sign for peace.

Friday 9th August, 2024 marked the International Day of Support for the people of Gaza and the prisoners.
The occasion drew the attention of twenty ( 20) Ambassadors of State from different countries in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

Speaking to the Media, the Palestine Ambassador to Ghana H. E Abdalfata Ahmed Khalil Alsattari expressed worry over Israel’s bomb attack on the Palestinians.

He said the 7th October, 2024 attack rendered many Palestinian injured including children.

Mr Ahmed Khalil added that the situation deprived the people of Palestine water and other social amenities.

Palestinian Ambassador called on Israel to sit with the Palestinian leaders and sign for peace.

In a statement, Mr. Hamad Mohammed Al- Suwaidi condemns the unjust Israeli attack against the Palestinian and displeasure of double standard of the International Community in dealing with some International crises in comparison to others.

The State of Qatar calls for immediate ceasefire and allowing entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza strip.

“The State of Qatar condemns the continuous Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, especially the Gaza Strip, where hospitals, schools, homes, refugee camps, and civilian infrastructure have been indiscriminately targeted.

The Israeli war on the people of Palestine is nothing short of a genocide that is unfolding before the eyes of the entire world. The Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which has been ongoing for nearly a year now, has tragically revealed the double standards of the international community in dealing with some international crises in comparison to others, and has exposed the shocking leniency towards the Israeli apartheid regime, and the impunity under which the Israeli forces operate in the Palestinian territories.

The State of Qatar also condemns the assassination of the Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, Ismael Haniyeh, and we affirm our position in rejecting violence, terrorism and criminal acts, including political assassinations and extrajudicial killings, under any motives and reasons. It is our firm belief that achieving regional and international peace requires serious partners and a real commitment to international law and norms. Therefore, this assassination raises a question over “how negotiations, in which one party kills the other, can lead to a peaceful political solution?”.

The State of Qatar calls* for an immediate ceasefire and for allowing the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip. We also call upon all parties to return to the negotiations table, *as the only solution to this conflict lies in a two-state solution on the basis of the 1967 borders, and the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, in compliance with international agreements and UN resolutions.

The State of Qatar also assures the international community of its continued commitment to mediation efforts to stop the war and reach a just and comprehensive peace in the Palestinian territories, one that puts an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people, and contributes to the peace and stability within the region.” end of statement

However, the High Commissioner of Pakistan H.E Ayesha Farhat in an address comdem terrorism in all forms and manifestation and Call for immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.
She expressed solidarity with the Palestinian government.

Ambassador's of StatesPalestineSolidarise