An Open Letter to NPP Headquarters, The Head of Communication Directorates, Office of The President, Jubilee House, Accra

It’s time for substantive discussions and accountability, not propaganda and distractions. Ghanaians deserve better!

30th June, 2024.

The Propaganda And  Miscommunication Unit,

NPP HQs, Accra.


Attn: The Miscommunication Directorate,

Office of the President

Jubilee House

Accra, Ghana


Dear Sirs,

A Call to Accountability- Stop the Personal Attacks and Focus on the Living Bread Issues.

Sammy Gyamfi’s visit to the United States with his wife would have been news worthy if:

– He had stolen government money or embezzled funds intended for public projects

– His expenses were sponsored by the NDC as a party, implying a misuse of party funds

– He was on a diplomatic trip representing the government or the NDC, and his actions had implications for the country or the party

But, nothing of such is in the news. Instead, the NPP is spreading fake news about his personal life, specifically his marriage and private trip with his wife. This is a clear invasion of his privacy and an attempt to distract from the real issues.

Ghanaians should not fall for such tactics and should instead demand answers and solutions to the pressing issues affecting the nation. The NDC should stay focused on their agenda and message, and not allow personal attacks and fake news to distract them from promoting their policies and promises to the Ghanaian people.

It’s important to respect people’s privacy and not make their personal lives a subject of political propaganda. The NPP should focus on substantive issues and not try to tarnish someone’s image with fake news and personal attacks.

“I pity the hoodlums NPP communicators that they should rather be worried about the hardship they have turned Ghanaians into and have nothing to point to having spent or wasted more than 400 billion Ghanaian cedis.

I know Sammy Gyamfi’s visit has rather loaded us with more evidence to finish the Leadership of the New Patriotic Party and those in Government for their corrupt practices and things they can’t account for.

Leave Sammy Gyamfi alone and deal with the Ruto Bawumiah economy! Focus on addressing the real issues affecting Ghanaians, like the high cost of living, unemployment, and poor economic management. Stop diverting attention with fake news and personal attacks. Ghanaians deserve better! We need substantive discussions and accountability, not propaganda and distractions.

The NPP should be more concerned about the economic hardship and struggles faced by Ghanaians, and work towards finding solutions to improve the lives of citizens. The amount of 400 billion Ghanaian cedis spent without tangible results is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

Furthermore, the President of Ghana should at least in this last season give “Respect to Our Traditional Leaders” by stopping the practice of ordering them to stand before shaking hands with him. This is a disgraceful and humiliating treatment of our revered traditional leaders. Incoming President John Mahama has never done this before, and it’s time for President Akufo-Addo to learn from his predecessor’s respect for tradition and culture.

Instead of diverting attention with fake news and personal attacks, the Nana Addo Bawumiah NPP Government should focus on:

  1. Providing answers for the poor economic management
  2. Explaining the lack of development projects and progress
  3. Offering solutions to alleviate the suffering of Ghanaians

It’s time for substantive discussions and accountability, not propaganda and distractions. Ghanaians deserve better!

I implore you to:

  1. Respect people’s privacy and not make their personal lives a subject of political propaganda
  2. Focus on substantive issues and not try to tarnish someone’s image with fake news and personal attacks
  3. Work towards finding solutions to improve the lives of citizens

The 400 billions Ghanaian cedis spent without tangible results is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

Furthermore, the President of Ghana should at least in this last season give “Respect to Our Traditional Leaders” by stopping the practice of ordering them to stand before shaking hands with him. This is a disgraceful and humiliating treatment of our revered traditional leaders. This practice should immediately stop before he leaves power, as Incoming President John Mahama has never done this before and it’s time for President Akufo-Addo to learn from his predecessor’s respect for tradition and culture.

I expect a shift in your approach and a focus on the real issues affecting our nation.

Comrade Simon Yaw Awadzi (

AccraAn Open LetterCommunication DirectoratesJubilee HouseNPP HeadquartersOffice of The President
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