Anglican Archbishop tells Gay Marriage Supporters to Leave the Church

He said pro-gay campaigners should leave rather than “betray God’s word”.
Anglican Archbishop tells Gay Marriage Supporters to Leave the Church

The Anglican Archbishop of Sydney Dr. Glenn Davies, has reportedly, bluntly told supporters of same-sex marriage within the church to leave the church.

He said pro-gay campaigners should leave rather than “betray God’s word”.

While addressing the 51st Synod of the Diocese of Sydney, in his final address to the Anglican church’s parliament, Davies reportedly told progressives in the church that they had “entered treacherous waters” and called on those who supported same-sex marriage to leave.

“I fear for the stability of the Anglican Church of Australia. These developments have the potential to fracture our fellowship and impair our communion. I have stated this on numerous occasions at the annual National Bishops’ Conference, but sadly to little effect,” said Davies, who is the Synod president.

“My own view is that if people wish to change the doctrine of our church, they should start a new church or join a church more aligned to their views – but do not ruin the Anglican Church by abandoning the plain teaching of Scripture. Please leave us.”

He continued: “We have far too much work to do in evangelizing Australia to be distracted by the constant pressure to change our doctrine in order to satisfy the lusts and pleasures of the world.”

Dr. Davies has directed his strongest criticism at church branches that had moved to bless same-sex unions, such as the Wangaratta diocese in Victoria. That decision has now been referred to the church’s internal appeals tribunal.

He reportedly said to bless same-sex unions would be to “betray God’s word”.

His statement is in spite of the fact that gay marriage is legal in Australia. Davies conceded “our view of marriage is not a popular one in Australia”

“Nonetheless, God’s intention for marriage has not changed. We honor him when we abide by his instruction. We cannot bless same-sex marriages for the simple reason that, we cannot bless sin,” Davies said.

Source: whatsupnewsghana

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