APPN Leadership Delegation Pays Working Visit to Lesotho Caucus

The team engaged in a meeting with members of the administrative structure of the two legislative bodies of the country, the Senate and the General Assembly, including the Clerk, Officials from the Public Relations Department, and supporting staff, where matters of mutual interest and concerns were discussed.
APPN Leadership Delegation Pays Working Visit to Lesotho Caucus

A delegation of the leadership and secretariat of the African Parliamentary Press Network (APPN), has paid a working visit to the APPN Caucus in the mountain Kingdom of Lesotho in the Southern African region.

The delegation is made up of Mr. Clement Akoloh, a member of the Steering Committee (SC) of the APPN Continental and the Dean of the APPN Ghana Caucus; Mr. Gilbert Borketey Boyefio, the Coordinator of the APPN platform; and Mr. Sammy Obeng, the Head of the host Secretariat for the APPN.

The members of the delegation were given a warm welcome by the members of the Lesotho Caucus of the APPN led by the Dean, Mr. Nkoale Abuti Oetsi on Tuesday, September 30 at the Secretariat of the Senate.

The team engaged in a meeting with members of the administrative structure of the two legislative bodies of the country, the Senate and the General Assembly, including the Clerk, Officials from the Public Relations Department, and supporting staff, where matters of mutual interest and concerns were discussed.

They were taken on a sight seeing tour to the Senate House as well as the National Assembly building right in the heart of the capital, Maseru.

The visit is part of a regular routine and a feedback mechanism sanctioned by the APPN Secretariat and the APPN Steering Committee to check up on the performance and progress of the various Caucuses.

This also serves as a kind of oversight over the Caucuses in order to ensure that things are being ran according to the Regulatory Framework of the Network. It also serves as a diplomatic mechanism to help cement the working relationship between the Caucus and the Parliament.

The delegation arrived in Lesotho on Sunday, August 28, 2022, after participating in a workshop organized by the Pan African Parliament (PAP) for the media at Midrand, South Africa.

They visited the cultural village at Thaba-Bosiu, second fortress of King Moshoeshoe I, where the mortal remains of the founder of the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho are resting.

The visiting team was finally hosted on the morning show of the National Television of Lesotho on Wednesday, August 31st, 2022 before exiting the country later in the day.


African Parliamentary Press Network (APPN)APPN CaucusLesothoMr. Clement Akolohpaidworking visit