Asante Gold strikes major gold discovery in Ghana

The company’s ongoing exploration drilling program revealed that all holes drilled in the area intersected with gold mineralization, with one drill intercept showing 43.10 meters of rock containing gold with an estimated grade of 3.07 grams per tonne of rock. The gold mineralization was found to be over 1 kilometer in length and remains open, meaning there is potential for more to be discovered.
Asante Gold strikes major gold discovery in Ghana

Asante Gold, has announced a significant gold discovery at its Aboduabo prospect in Ghana’s Western-North Region.

The company’s ongoing exploration drilling program revealed that all holes drilled in the area intersected with gold mineralization, with one drill intercept showing 43.10 meters of rock containing gold with an estimated grade of 3.07 grams per tonne of rock. The gold mineralization was found to be over 1 kilometer in length and remains open, meaning there is potential for more to be discovered.

The Aboduabo prospect is located in the Sefwi greenstone belt, which is home to historically significant gold mining operations, including the Bibiani and Chirano mines that have produced over 8 million ounces of gold.

Asante Gold controls a 53 km-long and up to 5 km-wide corridor bisected by the Bibiani and Chirano shear zones and is exploring the Bibiani-Chirano corridor for new discoveries to grow its resources and increase the life of its mines.

The company is also exploring its Keyhole, Fahiakoba, and Betenase projects for new discoveries in the center of Ghana’s Golden Triangle.

Asante Gold’s CEO, Dave Anthony, stated, “These results highlight the potential of this deposit, which is close to the surface and mineralized over an area up to 130m wide x 1km long. The drill program to advance the target to resource definition has been accelerated.”

The company has completed 19 holes, totaling 4,300 meters, with the drilling campaign accelerated and new intercepts confirming near-surface, high-grade mineralization with increased widths. Asante Gold has announced that additional drilling is underway to follow up on these results and explore the area further.


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