Asantehene, Asanteman and Ashanti to determine the next President of Ghana.

Asantehene, Asanteman and Ashanti to determine the next President of Ghana.


The 2020 ELECTION is a battle for the Soul of Ghana, it is also a battle for the Soul of Asanteman.

The NPP is essentially an ASHANTI Party with its antecedent (UP) formed by Barfuor Akoto who was a Linguist of the Asantehene.

Kufuor rose to be the highest ASHANTI leader of the NPP till it was taken over by Akufo-Addo and turned to a Danquah heritage, and a tool for Gabby, Bediatuo and Ken to fulfil the Greater AKYEM Kingdom dream of Akufo-Addo.

It will be recalled that President Kufuor in 2008 initially stopped Candidate Akufo-Addo and his cousins from launching the book “The Great AKYEM Kingdom” but was defied and eventually the book was launched by the Okyeman and the Akyem Abuakwa Family of Akufo-Addo who today control everything in Ghana.

The objective of the Great AKYEM Kingdom was to takeover everything, a State Captured and “MAKE AKYEM GREAT AGAIN” with the Head of that Kingdom, OKYEHENE the primus inter paris, GHANA HENE.

That would mean undermining the Otumfuor, Asanteman, Manhyia and ASHANTI.

Otumfuor publicly said that Gabby Asare Ochere-Darko and Asantè Bediatuo were undermining him, Akufo-Addo immediately flew to BEG the Asantehene on their behalf and later the Okyehene...

To make their dream of a Great AKYEM Kingdom and the Okyehene as GHANA HENE a reality;

  1. will mean them controlling the Financial Wealth of Ghana and the Mineral wealth of Ghana especially the GOLD of ASHANTI…

Currently Ken Ofori-Atta controls the Financial Wealth of Ghana.

Ken Ofori-Atta by virtue of Akufo-Addo appointing him as Finance Minister and allowing him to collapse all Ghanaian giants in the Financial sector, Banks, Fund Management Firms, Insurance, Pensions, Susu has achieved goal number one.

  1. will mean them controlling the Ghanaian Media and the narrative…

Key Media in Ghana were closed down by Akufo Addo using his Communication Minister and protegè Ursula Owusu, a native AKYEM who claims that they are “the Real Owners of Ghana”.

Ken Ofori-Atta through handouts and adverts from his Databank, Enterprise Group and associated businesses has effectively taken over the remaining key media houses and journalists, today these MEDIA do the bidding of the paymasters and churn out daily propaganda from “Databank Research”, the propaganda unit of Ken Ofori-Atta’s Databank which focuses on shoring up the image of the Finance Ministry, the Ghanaian economy even as it returned to HIPC.

Read More: 

Asaase FM, a plush Acra based Radio Station with a deliberately selected frequecy, owned by a once penniless Gabby Asare Ochere-Darko completes the plot to create the Great AKYEM Kingdom.

Gabby’s baby Law Firm was selected by Akufo Addo as Transaction Advisors of Asaase Mineral Royalties, but due to obvious deficiencies was partnered by Ace Annan Ankoma’s Law Firm to do the real work.

Ken’s Databank was selected by Akufo-Addo as financial hub for the Agyapa Mineral Royalties Limited formerly Asaase Mineral Royalties Limited.

The Deputy Minister of Finance, Charles Adu-Boahen with the assistance of a former Databank now key Finance Ministry lady drew the operational plan foŕ the Agyapa Scandal around Kofi Osafo-Maafo, son of the Senior Minister, a Classmate and close friend of Charles Adu-Boahene who is a business partner of Ken Ofori-Atta.

A criminally-minded convoluted offshore registration to hide ownership and money transfer of Agyapa Mineral Royalties Limited, a GOVERNMENT COMPANY was the beginning of the scandal.

Payments were made to Akufo-Addo’s cousins Gabby Asare Ochere-Darko and Ken Ofori-Atta through their companies; monies have been paid in respect of the Agyapa Scandal with money destined for South Africa being channelled through a shadow company in Botwana with the same name.

The Special Prosecutor resigned over the scandal because of the interference President Akufo-Addo who he described as “the Mother Serpent of Corruption“.

The Special Prosecutor in communicating his resignation also indicated that the untimely death of Former President Rawlings who was mediating the Agyapa and threats on his life were reasons for his resignation.

Incidentally the Auditor General who was fighting corruption and surcharged the same people involved in the Agyapa Scandal in different corruption scandals was asked by Akufo-Addo through his cousin and Executive Secretary, Asante Bediatuo, to proceed on a long leave.

The Auditor General, Yao Domelevo said “if you fight Corruption, Corruption [Akufo Addo] will fight you”. 

Yao Domelevo recently abandoned a media interviews because he was allegedly threatened with DEATH.

Many media houses have refused to broadcast corruption stories involving the Mother Serpent of Corruption or any of Akufo Addo’s appointees and Family members.

AGYAPA has become a murky DEAL of smokes and mirrors on the heels of PDA and many scandals of the MOTHER SERPENT.

  1. will require them to control of the Security Services especially the Military…

Akufo-Addo has done that and infiltrated the Security Services with his Delta and Invisible Forces militiamen at the base and key appointments at the top.

The Ayawaso West Wuogon Commission of Enquiry gave the true state of the Security of Ghana and the grip of Akufo-Addo on same.

  1. will require them to control of the Religious Leadership…

It is not an accident that Akufo Addo declared the construction of a National Cathedral his “PRIORITY of Priorities” to hoodwink the majority Christian community into voting for him in the 2020 ELECTION.

  1. will require them to control of the National House of CHIEFS…

Initially Akufo Addo sponsored his cousin, the Okyehene to become the President of the National House of CHIEFS and defacto Ghana-hene.

The Okyehene was soundly defeated by Togbui Afede XIV.

Akufo-Addo sponsored Ogyehorhor in 2020 to contest the Presidency of the National House of CHIEFS.

Ogyeahorho is Akufo-Addo’s appointee to the GNPC Fund Board and father of his Western North Regional Minister.

Akufo-Addo succeeded this time and quickly swore him in, as the President of the National House of CHIEFS.

The 2020 ELECTION is a battle for the Soul of Ghana, it is also a battle for the Soul of Asanteman.

ASHANTI can save itself on 7th December or fall to Akufo-Addo and his Great AKYEM Kingdom dream.

Otumfuor Osei Tutu II, holds the key to the destiny of ASHANTI and by extension Ghana in this ELECTION.

Where Otumfuor Osei Tutu I did not succeed, Otumfuor Osei Tutu II cannot afford to fail.

Asantehene, Asanteman and Ashanti to determine the next President of Ghana


Adansi Chief of ASHANTI has abdicated to contest on the ticket of the NDC.


“ASHANTI VOTERS ARE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN ASANTEMA and Akufo Addo and I have chosen redeem Asanteman and Ghana from Akufo Addo and his Family”.


Otumfuor’s Chief has taken the stèp, many silent ASHANTI VOTERS are also determined to wrestle the NPP from the grip of the GREEDY AKYEM MAFIA.

Most Ghanaians are aware of the endemic corruption in the Akufo-Addo’s clannish government and his focus on his family and hometown.

Most Ghanaians are aware of Akufo-Addo’s borrowing Ghana back to HIPC while his family only gets richer.

IF NOTHING CHANGES, AKUFO-ADDO’S FAMILY WILL BE THE ONLY RICH PEOPLE with the poor Ghanaians becoming their slaves by default.

The destiny changing decision of 7th December is like fleeing from tyranny!

A landslide is imminent, to prevent the Electoral Commission and others (including surrogates in media) from declaring Akufo-Addo winner as planned.

ASHANTI, like Georgia, holds the key to the destiny changing times we are in, Other Regions also expected to vote against Corruption.

Vote OUT AKUFO-ADDO, the Mother Serpent of Corruption




By Comerade Derek Adjei 

2020 electionAGYAPA GOLD SCANDAAkyem Sakawa mafiaAsanteheneAsanteman.AshantibattlecorruptionOtumfuorSoulSoul of Ghana