ASKY Airlines to begin Daily Flights between Accra and Monrovia from October 1

This means passengers have the option to travel and return any day of the week between Accra and Monrovia.

Ghanaian travellers will from October 1 have more travelling options between Accra and various destinations on ASKY Airline’s network.

The largest regional carrier will increase frequency from 7 to 11 flights per week starting October 1.

Asky has also increased flights to Monrovia in LIberia from 3 weekly to Daily service.

This means passengers have the option to travel and return any day of the week between Accra and Monrovia.

Passengers connecting from Accra on any of the airline’s destinations via Lomé, have the opportunity to choose from two (2) morning flights on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

Abuja, Bamako, Conakry and Ndjamena have daily flights now.

The increase in frequency and connections follow the delivery of the airline’s 10th Aircraft, a Boeing

ASKY, The Pan-African Airline, is a 100% privately owned airline created by regional banking institutions in Africa that includes The ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID), The West African Development Bank (BOAD) and ECOBANK Group (ETI) in partnership with Ethiopian Airlines.

ASKY is a commercial company under private law and is managed by experienced African aviation professionals, with Ethiopian airlines as its strategic partner.

ASKY currently operates a fleet of ten aircraft: five (5) Boeing 737-800s and five (5) Boeing 737-700s, serving twenty-five (25) cities in twenty-two (22) countries within Africa.

ASKY’s focus is to develop a strong intra-Africa network that foster regional development, tourism, economic growth and regional integration as a major economic catalyst within the continent with its long-term goal of a
sustainable business focused on profitability.

Source: Aviation Ghana

AccraAsky AirlinesDaily FlightsMonrovia
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