“Asuogyaman is our Home, let’s Build it together” – MP

The MP made these remarks over the weekend when he engaged the people of Kojokpo, Sedorm, Yeniama, Asukwao and Small London, all in the Asuogyaman Constituency where he supported them with some social amenities to improve their standards of living.
“Asuogyaman is our Home, let’s Build it together” – MP

The people of Asuogyaman District in the Eastern region have been charged to work hard towards the development of their communities to improve the living conditions of the indigenes there.

According to the Member of Parliament (MP) for the area, Thomas Ampem Nyarko, “Asuogyaman can only be developed if we the citizens come together to pay our qouta towards the development of our various communities. In that way our beloved District will see massive development within a twinkle of an eye”

The MP made these remarks over the weekend when he engaged the people of Kojokpo, Sedorm, Yeniama, Asukwao and Small London, all in the Asuogyaman Constituency where he supported them with some social amenities to improve their standards of living.

“Kojokpo is one of the island fishing communities within Asuogyaman on the Volta Lake. People in this community cross the Volta Lake with canoes either to Gyakiti or Korankye in order to transport their goods to the market and also access other social amenities. To help reduce the risk and time spent on the lake, I donated a 40 horsepower outboard motor to the community. This is to be used specifically to transport school children to and from Gyakiti where they access basic education” the MP told Ghananewsonline.com.gh in an interview.

In Yeniama and Asukwao Thomas Ampem Nyarko donated polytanks for water storage and also gave out some Second-hand clothing which was donated to him by “Heaven Relief”, a Non-Governmental Organization based in the United States.

To make Small London, a suburb of Atimpoku an “Open Defecation Free” community, the Member of Parliament has initiated a program which is to support households with bags of cement and roofing sheets to build their own toilet facilities.

Additionally, he has presented a mower to the youth in this community for the clearing of their football and school fields.

“I have also started an engagement with management of Ghana Water Company in Kpong to reconnect the community to Pipe Borne Water within the next couple of days,” the MP stated.

By William Dei Gyau

AsuogyamanbuildHomeMPThomas Ampem Nyarko