Auditor General directs staff to pursue asset declaration compliance

Auditor General directs staff to pursue asset declaration compliance

The Auditor General, Mr. Daniel Domelove has instructed all audit staff who are undertaking the 2019 financial audit, that in addition to this official assignment, they should check to ensure that all public officers who are supposed to declare their assets and liabilities have done so.

In addition, public officers are also required to provide evidence to that effect. This measure is a major step being undertaken by the Office of the Auditor General to ensure full compliance of the reviewed assets declaration regime.

Also, the Office has commenced intensive sensitization programmes aimed at educating the public to declare their assets and liabilities and as such, it has given civil societies, most especially, the Ghana Anti-corruption Coalition (GACC) the needed platform to amplify sensitization on what the mandatory exercise is meant to achieve.

Earlier, the Auditor had sent out letters to notify all heads of institutions to direct officers who are mandated to declare their assets and liabilities, but have not done so, to declare with immediate effect.

Importantly, an electronic declaration platform being developed with the aim of improving efficiency and facilitating the process, is expected to be completed soon.

Once this is done, all public office holders who are mandated to declare their assets and liabilities will have to add their respective Global Positioning System (GPS) addresses to it. This is expected to give specific, tailored locations of their assets.

Implementation of the reviewed regime kicks in immediately once the electronic declaration platform system is completed.

Last month, the Deputy Attorney General, Godfred Dame reiterated Government’s efforts in implementing the gradual process of the reviewed Asset Declaration regime.

In effect, unlike the previous regime where public officers were required to declare their assets before assumption of office and at the end of every four years, the new requirement, inserted into the regime states that within 60 days after taking public office and at the end of every year in office or not later than 31st of January in the subsequent year, public officers are enjoined to declare their assets.

He noted that the move will bring about transparency and accountability in the fight against corruption as well as perfecting the process aimed at preventing conflict of interest among public officials and members of the government.

Source: Dundas Whigham||
2019 financial auditAssetsauditAuditor GeneralliabilitiesMr. Daniel Domeloveofficial assignmentpublic officersStaff